Wednesday, May 12, 2010

US and EU have different planes for Serbia – Kosovo relations?

Belgrade. May, 07. 2010 (Serbia today)  EU wants Serbia to start to start practical cooperation with Kosovo authorities, while Washington plans to  request that Belgrade consent to the suspension of the UN SC Resolution 1244 in exchange for accelerated integration into the EU and its funds, writes daily Blic. According to Blic, Washington has been working on that plan for two months. EU and Washington obviously have different plans for the day after the International Court of Justice gives its opinion over Kosovo independence, writes daily Blic. While the EU plan is not defined and is primarily focused on pressure on Serbia, Washington has been working for two months on a plan for suspension of the UN SC Resolution 1244 in exchange for accelerated integration for Serbia to the EU and its funds. Obrad Kesic, A well informed political analyst of American ‘TSM Global’ agency of Washington reveals to ‘Blic’ the new policy of the State Department. He says that the plan has the approval of the White House. He also says that Washington expects Belgrade to give consent for the suspension of the UN SC Resolution 1244 immediately after announcement of the ICJ opinion. Blic’s sources from the Serbian Foreign Ministry are categorical that these are mere ‘provocations’ and that there shall be no negotiations before the ICJ gives its opinion and before the session of the UN SC on that occasion is held. Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic told Tanjug yesterday that ‘negotiations over Kosovo and Metohija are possible within the frame of the UN SC Resolution 1244 only’.

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