Thursday, May 20, 2010

Serbia and Croatia discussing about lawsuits withdrawal

Belgrade, May, 17. 2010 (Serbia Today) Serbia is ready to withdraw a lawsuit against Croatia if both countries  agree to  withdraw  their mutual charges of genocide, unconditionally and simultaneously,   announced Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic during his visit to Zagreb.  His Croatian colleague Jadranka Kosor replied that the decision on the withdrawal of the Croatian lawsuit against Serbia for genocide can only be taken by the Government of Croatia, but  that subject has not been discussed  yet.
"Serbia is prepared to withdraw our lawsuit, of course, if it is an agreement for both countries to do the something simultaneously and without any conditions,” said Serbian Prime Minister Cvetkovic. "Speaking on behalf of the Croatia Government and me personally,  it is important to define the crimes of Milosevic's policy, the evil of that aggressor policy. For the government of Croatia is not a bilateral issue," she said. As a sign of improving relations between the two countries Kosor submitted to Cvetkovic a compact disc with the EU law standards translated into Croatian.  "I want this act to be a pledge of our good cooperation and friendship between the two countries and our strong support to our neighbor, "Kosor said. The two prime ministers also discussed the acceleration of economic cooperation, the search for missing persons, solving the refugee issue,  and accelerating the process of succession and the resolution of boundary disputes. A few years ago the previous Croatian  Prime Minister, Ivo Sanader promised to Vojislav Kostunica, while both were prime ministers the translation of EU standards. It is 100,000 pages of regulations of the European Union. That translation should cost Serbia about 10 million EUR but it is a gift of Croatian Government. 

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