Friday, May 21, 2010

Ljaljic : Serbian government is too big

Belgrade, May, 18. 2010 (Serbia Today)- Serbian Labor Minister  Rasim  Ljajić  believes that the government  should be reconstructed because it is too big.  “The governments of European countries, by rule, resort to a reconstruction of the government at the halfway point of their mandates, and we have an additional reason to do this, which is the economic crisis, ” Ljajić told the Tanjug news agency.  He claims that a reconstruction would be “good for the government”, reiterating that he has spoken about this several times before and that he was criticized for it, because some believe that he is trying to promote himself and his party through this.  “Until I become a more influential politician, all I have left is to in this way, publicly, speak in support of a reconstruction of the government, he said.  Ljajić is a president of the Social-democratic party of Serbia. He has been calling for the government to be downsized since the beginning of the mandate. Ljajic also supports decreasing the number of parliamentary MPs to 150.

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