Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gordon: Us against division of Kosovo

Belgrade, May, 14. 2010 -(Serbia Today)U.S.  are against division of Kosovo because it is recognized as a sovereign and independent state, said Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon during his visit to Belgrade. Gordon noted in an interview for Beta news agency,
that United States considers that Belgrade and Pristina should,  as soon as possible, start  talks not about status, but about solving practical problems.  U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said that the European integration of Serbia and the entire Balkans, is "a strategic goal of the administration of Barack Obama” but added that Belgrade will find it difficult to get closer to the membership in the EU with the unsolved question of Kosovo.  Gordon said that "the opinions of the International Court of Justice, whatever that would be, could not become a turning point.” He pointed that the issue of Kosovo should be overcome in order to solve practical problems and improve living conditions for all citizens.  "I think we need new talks between Serbia and Kosovo on practical issues. I would not call that negotiations because Kosovo is an independent, sovereign state but there can and must be efforts to solve difficult practical issues," said the American official.  According to Gordon, who is in charge of relations with Europe and Eurasia,  Pristina and Belgrade should talk directly and there is no reason to wait for the opinion of the International Court of Justice.  "The talks could begin immediately because it is a useful and necessary process but blocked for the long time. But there is an impression that both sides are waiting for some reason on the opinion of International Court of Justice, and then let it be so," he said.  Asked whether the division of Kosovo is acceptable to Washington, Gordon said that "the U.S. does not support" the idea because it would set a precedent that would encourage new thinking about the divisions and that "it is not in anyone’s interest."  "We recognize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo and that includes all citizens within Kosovo, Serbs and other minorities should have their rights guaranteed by law, with a significant degree of autonomy, decentralization as an important principle, the protection of religious sites and local communities, but all in the context of territorial integrity, "said Gordon.  Asked whether the division of Kosovo would be acceptable in exchange for Serbian recognition of Kosovo's independence Gordon said that "no one expects that Serbia will recognize Kosovo," but also to Washington, "the division is not an option."  Gordon rejected the allegations that the Washington is thinking about a new UN Security Council resolution on Kosovo instead of 1244, pointing out that Kosovo is independent and that the U.S. does not see the reason for "new efforts in the UN.

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