Friday, May 7, 2010

Jeremic: Strong support for Beijing continued

Belgrade, April 30. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Vuk Jeremic, the Serbian Foreign Minister discussed yesterday in Shanghai the issue of Kosovo with the Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. He told Tanjug news agency that Beijing will continue to support Serbia in defense of its territorial integrity. "We had extensive talks on Kosovo, in order to synchronize our participation in the international arena, particularly in the United Nations, but also in all international organizations, where the secessionist authorities in Pristina could attempt to gain membership, a privilege that only sovereign states, "said the Minister. “China is one of the most influential countries of today”, said Jeremic and added that Beijing's support "of paramount importance and is a great encouragement to continue with our efforts." Jeremic said that he and Young spoke about deepening economic cooperation, first of all new investment in strategic infrastructure of Serbia - transport and energy. In the near future, we expect the official initiation of new projects, he announced. We can be very satisfied with the fact that no other country of the Balkans can boast with this kind of relations with China, initiated by the signing of the Treaty on Strategic Partnership between our two countries during last year's visit to Beijing by the Serbian President Boris Tadic, Jeremic said.

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