Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lajcak prepares plan for Kosovo

Belgrade, May 03, 2010 (Souirce: B92) – As Belgrade TV station B 92 reports, the Slovakian Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak said that the EU will be prepared on the day that the ICJ gives its opinion on Kosovo’s independence proclamation. He said that he has prepared a plan for solving the problems between Serbia and Kosovo. Even though he did not want to speak on the details of the plan, Lajčak said that it involves technical cooperation between Belgrade and Priština, and has nothing to do with the status of Kosovo. The EU Ministers will be informed of the new plan for the Kosovo crisis on May 10. Lajčak’s Slovakia has not recognized Kosovo’s independence. “I can say that we need a regional dynamic and communications on practical things that can enable the entire Western Balkans to progress. It is impossible to keep the problems and blockades between the countries continuing and have the countries progress towards the European Union. It goes against the logic and spirit of EU, and the Union is not prepared to accept new members in that way,” Lajčak said. Political analyst Dušan Janjić said that the solution for cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo that Slovakia has prepared will only address technical questions. “As good as could be, such an initiative cannot solve the essential problem, and that is the status of the province,” Janjić said. He said that a better idea would be the one proposed by the French earlier for Serbia entering the EU and Kosovo joining the UN, but without the recognition of independence. Janjić reminded that such a model, in which states were UN members and participated in the work of the UN but did not have a vote, was successfully implemented during the cold war on Ukraine, Belarus, and even East Germany and later the Palestinian movement .

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