Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tadic : Regionalization will not create false states in Serbia

Belgrade, May, 21. 2010 (Serbia Today) Decentralization and regionalization to strengthen the unity of the country and enable better functioning of state administration, said Serbian president Boris Tadic. "The idea of regionalization is not to create the false states. We wish to create better conditions for the functioning of state systems”, Tadic said at the recently held inaugural Assembly of Union of national, regional and local parties in Belgrade. Serbian President added that regionalization is one of the most important conditions for economic development of Serbia and that Serbia must find its own model for regionalization in the EU because there is no single model for it. Tadic warned that some parts of Serbia are empty, and stressed that the population goes from there in the search for the better living conditions. "We are faced with the problem of depopulation, and that's  why Serbia must finish the process of decentralization and regionalization”, he said. According to him, the institutional changes are necessary to create a natural assumption for the decentralization and regionalization, and better connect all regions with the center of the state. "That's why we build roads and railways”, Tadic said, and expressed the expectation that in five years  Serbia would create conditions to implement institutional changes which  are necessary  for decentralization and regionalization.

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