Monday, May 17, 2010

Government of Serbia takes over the company Corridor 10

Belgrade, May 13. 2010 (Serbia today) – At the meeting on Friday (7th. may), the Serbian government recommended that the Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia transfer the founding of the firm Corridor 10 to the state. Thus the government should become the direct owner of the enterprises. Blic writes that the new director will be set up by Democratic Party. The company "Corridor 10" will be extinguished, and the Government will establish a new company instead with much greater powers. This company will be responsible for continuing the construction of Corridor 10, as well as the road Belgrade-Boljare, part of the so-called corridor 11, which will be linked to roads in seven European countries, confirmed the Ministry of Infrastructure. In addition to construction, the firm will deal also with the expropriation and design, which has so far been the biggest problem in the implementation of corridor 10. Milutin Mrkonjic, Minister for Infrastructure, said the establishment of this company will upgrade to the existing 'Corridor 10', which was not independent, but was a subsidiary firm of Roads of Serbia. 'Corridors of Serbia' will not be a public company, but a limited liability company. It will spend budget funds and will not make a profit. It’ll have full autonomy in the work, "said Mrkonjic. New company will not receive any new employees, but will second employees from "Corridor 10", as well as from related ministries. At the head of the new company will be an expert, who will be recommended by the Democratic Party. The government said that the candidate already exists and is currently employed in the Directorate of Land Development in Belgrade. On the other hand, the establishment of new companies will automatically reduce the jurisdiction of the "Roads of Serbia", which will in future be responsible for maintaining roads.

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