Friday, May 14, 2010

Serbia clearly committed to processing all war crimes

Belgrade, 10 May 2010 – Minister of Justice Snezana Malovic stated today that the discovery of a possible mass grave in Raska with remains of over 250 Kosovo Albanians is of extreme importance for determining the truth about crimes committed in the province. Malovic told the Beta news agency that Serbia is fully prepared to uncover the truth about all missing persons in Kosovo-Metohija and bring to justice all perpetrators of these crimes. The Minister said she expects the investigation to intensify in order to shed some light on the fate of around 2,000 missing Serbs and Albanians from the province. She reiterated that Serbia is clearly committed to and invests maximum efforts in finding and punishing perpetrators of all war crimes, regardless of their nationality or position they may occupy. By discovering a possible mass grave in Raska, Serbia once again showed its clear stance towards its past and sent a message that these things will not be repeated, the Minister said.

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