Monday, May 24, 2010

Jeremic : Solution for Kosovo through dialogue

Belgrade, May, 20.  2010 (Serbia Today) In New York, Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic announced that the opinion of International Court of Justice relating to the Kosovo issue will create the opportunity for achieving  strategic compromise between Serbs and Albanians. The Serbian chief of diplomacy has also requested support of all UN members to solve the problems of Serbs living in Kosovo. "Despite recent setbacks on the ground, I believe that we could approach the new, promising period  in Kosovo. In the future we should be focused on efforts to jointly found a solution through the dialogue, "Jeremic said at a session of the UN Security Council for Kosovo.  The Serbia foreign minister stressed that it is necessary to create a new environment, which will make possible solutions in the future. He claims that this can be achieved only by peaceful dialogue, that result in a mutually acceptable solution and providing  lasting stability in the region and beyond in the world. "The solution through dialogue, not unilateralism, is our goal. We are asking for support of all members of the UN in resolving the problem once and for all. This year could be the year of our joint success”, said Jeremic.  Jeremic said that the dialogue between Serbs and Albanians, with a fair and balanced solution, ensures the peaceful future of Europe and Western Balkans. Jeremic as an illustration of the situation on the ground mentioned the cutting of mobile phone connections for Kosovo’s Serbs. He reminded that Kosovo special police units  used force to prevent communications between Serbs outside their enclaves. He described this as a serious violation of contemporary humanitarian norms and rights. He welcomed the response of UNMIK and EULEX, which have distanced themselves from the controversial decisions of Kosovo official and their "Strategies for the northern Kosovo." Serbian foreign minister also has accused the International Civil Office (ICO) of attempting to violently implement the Ahtisaari plan, that violates UN Resolution 1244. “Serbia deeply appreciates the constructive approach of the UN and other organizations acting under their authority as EULEX. We all work together to improve the life of ordinary people”, Jeremic said. The Minister pointed out the problem of returning Serbs on Kosovo. Citing as an example the attack on the returnees in the village of Zac, as well as problem of power supply for Serbian communities in Kosovo. 

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