Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Arandjelovac Elections-Victory of the Progressive party

Belgrade/Arandjelovac, May 06. 2010(Serbia Today) - The local election in Arandjelovac, a small town, some 80 kilometers from Belgrade, attracted great public and media attention. Many expected the inhabitants of Arandjelovac to reflect the opinion of all of Serbia and present the real state of affairs on the country’s political scene. Results of the Municipal Electoral Commission confirmed the Serbian Progressive Party won 25.11 percent of the vote and 12 of 41 total seats, Democratic Party 20.69 percent of the vote or 10 seats, while the Socialists are supported with the 14.3 percent of voters, and obtained six seats. After repeated local elections in one polling station in Arandjelovac, Serbian Radical Party has managed to get a representative in the local parliament. The Socialist Party of Serbia will lose one member and the Serbian Progressive Party will lose three members in the local parliament shall have G17, New Serbia and the Democratic Party of Serbia, which won 7.17 percent, 7.09 percent and 6.31 percent of the vote. Liberal Democratic Party and the Serbian radical party will be represented with two members, scoring 5.4 percent, or 5.16 percent of the vote. Their representatives will not have Serbian Renewal Movement and the two groups of citizens. On Arandjelovac local elections voted 65.31 percent of registered voters. Elections were held on 25TH April, but repeated because of irregularities at one polling station.

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