Sunday, May 2, 2010

“State, but also citizens to blame for flooding damage”

Belgrade, April 26, 2010 (Serbia Today) - President Boris Tadić said that both the state and the citizens themselves are to blame partially for the flooding damage incurred in the south. He said in Leskovac that the state must help the people hurt by the floods and that there can be no favoritism in the process. Tadić said that the floods that hit Leskovac and the region are a consequences of “laziness and irresponsibility,” adding that those who did not clean the drainage canals in the region will be punished. Tadić visited the Leskovac community of Bobište, where about 1,000 homes were flooded, stating that there is no rational explanation for why the canals for getting the water out of these communities have not been cleaned in over 50 years, adding that he would come back in several months to see what has been done to remedy the problems. “I demand that those who were supposed to clean the canals and did not do so be punished. Also, there should be inquiries into how licenses were received for building homes next to and right on top of the canals. Of course, a part of the responsibility is on the citizens as well, who behaved recklessly towards the drainage canals,” the President said. Bobište citizens told him that they are afraid that the commission that is evaluating the amount of damage to their homes would not do its job objectively, which is what happened to them five years ago in similar circumstances. Tadić said that he would follow the events closely and make sure that no one receives special treatment. After Leskovac, Tadić visited Aleksinac, which also suffered serious damages in the flooding.

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