Monday, May 31, 2010

Miletic: Kosovo biggest security problem for Serbia

Beograd, May 25. 2010. (Serbia Today) - The territory of Kosovo and Metohija is a stronghold of organized crime and it is currently the biggest security challenge for Serbia, said  Chief Of General Staff of the Serbian Army Miloje Miletić. “The unilaterally declared independence by Kosovo poses the biggest threat and safety problem  to Serbia”, Miletic said for Belgrade daily ‘Vecernje novosti’. Asked whether he expects a new wave of violence in Kosovo after a decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), he replied that a "violent threat is an already tried and used method of Kosovo Albanians use to impose pressure on the international community.” "If the court decision is not in keeping with their interests, which I sincerely hope it won't be, destabilization and violence are possible. I have received assurances by the KFOR commander that their troops will prevent any such event," said Miletić.  Underscoring that "according to the experience so far, any instability in Kosovo and Metohija directly jeopardizes security in the region as a whole, particularly in the south region of central Serbia,” he added that the Serbian Army "is ready to respond to such a scenario and has enough capacity to secure peace in the area.” Miletić also said that there was need to hold high-level meetings with KFOR and those meetings will become more frequent in the future. In regards to the army reform, Miletić underscored that the crisis had not seriously affected the reform of the defense system and that Serbia will have an army composed of professional soldiers instead of conscripts by the beginning of 2011 at the latest. “Our army will have 30,000 people, with an active reserve force, it will be well trained, armed and ready to respond to all security risks,” said the general.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Extradition negotiations between U.S. and Serbia

Belgrade, May 24. 2010. (Serbia Today) – The governments of Serbia and the U.S. began negotiations relating to a new treaty on the extradition of the most serious crimes perpetrators. The previous agreement of this kind was signed 111 years ago. The first and still valid extradition treaty between the governments of two countries was signed on 25 October 1901. The Serbian and U.S. governments started commenced the first round of negotiations on the new treaty in Belgrade. State secretary of Serbian Ministry of Justice Slobodan Homen said there was very good cooperation between security institutions of the United States and Serbia, stressing the healthy relationship when it comes to the fight against organized crime and drugs. "It's not enough that only the security institutions and police work together, but it is necessary that all perpetrators of crimes are brought to court and be convicted", Homen said.  He said that the willingness of the United States to extradite its citizens to Serbia is a reflection of confidence in the Serbian judiciary.  Homen said that Serbia has negotiated the same kind of agreements with Croatia and Italy and expressed his expectation that general agreement with European union will be signed as soon as possible. U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick said that such negotiations helps for more successful and deeper relations between the two countries, but they are also an opportunity for joint operations to overcome the threats and challenges of today. "We expect productive and detailed discussions on the draft text in the next few days and successful conclusion of bilateral extradition contract.  That would provide important tools, and our countries will be able to answer all the security challenges", Warlick said .

Serbian telecommunications sector worth EUR 10bn

Belgrade, May, 22. 2010 (Serbia Today) -The value of Serbian telecommunications market is estimated at approximately EUR 10bn, while the total income in 2009 amounted to EUR 1.5bn. This accounts for 4.8 percent of GDP, Republic Telecommunication Agency (RATEL) Executive Director Milan Jankovic said on Tuesday. At a press conference presenting RATEL's work in the period from 2005 to 2010, Jankovic said that the number of landline clients in 2009 totaled 3.145.920, thus increasing by 42 percent.  According to Jankovic, the total number of mobile telephony users added up to 9.9 million, which represents a 132 percent rise, while the number of cable-distributive system clients increased by 13 percent, thus reaching almost one million. Over 1.7 million people now use the Internet, which is 22 percent more than in 2005, Janković noted. RATEL Managing Board President Jovan Radunovic pointed out that Serbian mobile telecommunications in the past five years registered significant market opening and liberalization. A total of seven telecommunication service licenses were issued over the past few years, the most important one being the second landline operator license, which was granted to the telecommunications company Telenor, thus preventing the state-owned telecommunications company Telekom Srbija from monopolizing the market. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tadic : Regionalization will not create false states in Serbia

Belgrade, May, 21. 2010 (Serbia Today) Decentralization and regionalization to strengthen the unity of the country and enable better functioning of state administration, said Serbian president Boris Tadic. "The idea of regionalization is not to create the false states. We wish to create better conditions for the functioning of state systems”, Tadic said at the recently held inaugural Assembly of Union of national, regional and local parties in Belgrade. Serbian President added that regionalization is one of the most important conditions for economic development of Serbia and that Serbia must find its own model for regionalization in the EU because there is no single model for it. Tadic warned that some parts of Serbia are empty, and stressed that the population goes from there in the search for the better living conditions. "We are faced with the problem of depopulation, and that's  why Serbia must finish the process of decentralization and regionalization”, he said. According to him, the institutional changes are necessary to create a natural assumption for the decentralization and regionalization, and better connect all regions with the center of the state. "That's why we build roads and railways”, Tadic said, and expressed the expectation that in five years  Serbia would create conditions to implement institutional changes which  are necessary  for decentralization and regionalization.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jeremic : Solution for Kosovo through dialogue

Belgrade, May, 20.  2010 (Serbia Today) In New York, Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic announced that the opinion of International Court of Justice relating to the Kosovo issue will create the opportunity for achieving  strategic compromise between Serbs and Albanians. The Serbian chief of diplomacy has also requested support of all UN members to solve the problems of Serbs living in Kosovo. "Despite recent setbacks on the ground, I believe that we could approach the new, promising period  in Kosovo. In the future we should be focused on efforts to jointly found a solution through the dialogue, "Jeremic said at a session of the UN Security Council for Kosovo.  The Serbia foreign minister stressed that it is necessary to create a new environment, which will make possible solutions in the future. He claims that this can be achieved only by peaceful dialogue, that result in a mutually acceptable solution and providing  lasting stability in the region and beyond in the world. "The solution through dialogue, not unilateralism, is our goal. We are asking for support of all members of the UN in resolving the problem once and for all. This year could be the year of our joint success”, said Jeremic.  Jeremic said that the dialogue between Serbs and Albanians, with a fair and balanced solution, ensures the peaceful future of Europe and Western Balkans. Jeremic as an illustration of the situation on the ground mentioned the cutting of mobile phone connections for Kosovo’s Serbs. He reminded that Kosovo special police units  used force to prevent communications between Serbs outside their enclaves. He described this as a serious violation of contemporary humanitarian norms and rights. He welcomed the response of UNMIK and EULEX, which have distanced themselves from the controversial decisions of Kosovo official and their "Strategies for the northern Kosovo." Serbian foreign minister also has accused the International Civil Office (ICO) of attempting to violently implement the Ahtisaari plan, that violates UN Resolution 1244. “Serbia deeply appreciates the constructive approach of the UN and other organizations acting under their authority as EULEX. We all work together to improve the life of ordinary people”, Jeremic said. The Minister pointed out the problem of returning Serbs on Kosovo. Citing as an example the attack on the returnees in the village of Zac, as well as problem of power supply for Serbian communities in Kosovo. 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dragutinovic: Agreement reached for tax reforms

Belgrade/ Zagreb, May, 19. 2010 (Serbia Today) - An agreement has been reached within the Serbian government for the needed tax reforms, said finance minister Diana Dragutinović on Saturday. She said that the contents of the reforms have not been finalized, but that there will be no increases on Value Added Taxes (VATs).  While attending the EBRD conference in Zagreb, Dragutinović said that the reforms are expected to decrease the number of products that are being taxed by the lower VAT rate of eight percent.  She said that these products make up 40 percent of production, and a normal percentage rate for such products would be about 10 to 15 percent.  The high level VAT rate in Serbia is 18 percent.  Dragutinović said that the tax reforms do not aim to cause loss of taxation income and stressed that the reforms are needed in the transition to a new model of economic growth, based on exports.  She said that the “Greek crisis scenario” is not threatening Serbia, since Serbia’s public debt is at about 30 percent of the gross domestic product, and the budget deficit is four percent. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ljaljic : Serbian government is too big

Belgrade, May, 18. 2010 (Serbia Today)- Serbian Labor Minister  Rasim  Ljajić  believes that the government  should be reconstructed because it is too big.  “The governments of European countries, by rule, resort to a reconstruction of the government at the halfway point of their mandates, and we have an additional reason to do this, which is the economic crisis, ” Ljajić told the Tanjug news agency.  He claims that a reconstruction would be “good for the government”, reiterating that he has spoken about this several times before and that he was criticized for it, because some believe that he is trying to promote himself and his party through this.  “Until I become a more influential politician, all I have left is to in this way, publicly, speak in support of a reconstruction of the government, he said.  Ljajić is a president of the Social-democratic party of Serbia. He has been calling for the government to be downsized since the beginning of the mandate. Ljajic also supports decreasing the number of parliamentary MPs to 150.

Brammertz : No reasons to believe that Mladic is not in Serbia

Belgrade, May, 18. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz has repeated  during his visit to Belgrade that the most important issue remains the arrest of Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić. Brammertz also announced that based on the information he was given he had no reason to believe former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladić was outside of Serbia. He added that the Prosecution is conducting a detailed analysis of why Mladić still has not been arrested. “My associates share this impression, Brammertz said after  meetings with President of the National Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal Rasim Ljajić and Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković.  Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor did not wish to give a precise assessment of Serbia’s cooperation but said that it was a continuous process and that there were two more weeks before his new report is due to be submitted to the UN Security Council. Brammertz also met with representatives of Serbian services which are searching for the Hague fugitives. He talked to members of the action team and its operatives, directors of the Security-Information Agency (BIA) and Military Security Agency (VBA) for several hours.  EU ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia depends on the cooperation assessment that will find its way into Brammertz’s new report.  Brammertz announced that the indictment against Mladić will be amended with additional charges.  Brammertz said that there can be no alternative to the arrest of Mladić and Goran Hadžić and that he expects Serbian authorities to take practical measures to bring them to justice and the politicians to support their efforts.  Commenting on the declaration condemning the crime in Srebrenica passed in the Serbian parliament, Brammertz said he will not mention the Serbian government's gesture in his next report to the UN Security Council which is due in June.  “This is not something I will mention in the cooperation report, because it is a political statement. Of course it is a step in the right direction, but I hope it was taken for the benefit of Serbia and its people and not of the Hague Tribunal,” Brammertz said.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Serbia and Croatia discussing about lawsuits withdrawal

Belgrade, May, 17. 2010 (Serbia Today) Serbia is ready to withdraw a lawsuit against Croatia if both countries  agree to  withdraw  their mutual charges of genocide, unconditionally and simultaneously,   announced Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic during his visit to Zagreb.  His Croatian colleague Jadranka Kosor replied that the decision on the withdrawal of the Croatian lawsuit against Serbia for genocide can only be taken by the Government of Croatia, but  that subject has not been discussed  yet.
"Serbia is prepared to withdraw our lawsuit, of course, if it is an agreement for both countries to do the something simultaneously and without any conditions,” said Serbian Prime Minister Cvetkovic. "Speaking on behalf of the Croatia Government and me personally,  it is important to define the crimes of Milosevic's policy, the evil of that aggressor policy. For the government of Croatia is not a bilateral issue," she said. As a sign of improving relations between the two countries Kosor submitted to Cvetkovic a compact disc with the EU law standards translated into Croatian.  "I want this act to be a pledge of our good cooperation and friendship between the two countries and our strong support to our neighbor, "Kosor said. The two prime ministers also discussed the acceleration of economic cooperation, the search for missing persons, solving the refugee issue,  and accelerating the process of succession and the resolution of boundary disputes. A few years ago the previous Croatian  Prime Minister, Ivo Sanader promised to Vojislav Kostunica, while both were prime ministers the translation of EU standards. It is 100,000 pages of regulations of the European Union. That translation should cost Serbia about 10 million EUR but it is a gift of Croatian Government. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Captain Dragan arrested in Australia


Belgrade, May, 15. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Dragan Vasiljkovic, alias Captain Dragan, accused of committing war crimes in Croatia in 1992 and 1993, was arrested in Australia.  Australian media reported that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) arrested Vasiljkovic, on Tuesday afternoon. He had spent 43 days as a fugitive. After the Australian Supreme Court confirmed his extradition to Croatia, where he would stand trial, Vsiljkovic disappeared on March 30. The local media states that the AFP worked closely with the Dutch police, which supplied them with information that led to his arrest.  The 55 year-old Vasiljkovic is an Australian citizen and lived in the country under the name of Daniel Snedden.  He is accused of committing war crimes against military prisoners of war and civilians in 1992 in Knin and participating in attacks and pillaging of several Croatian villages in 1993.  Media stated that Vasiljkovic also has Serbian citizenship.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gordon: Us against division of Kosovo

Belgrade, May, 14. 2010 -(Serbia Today)U.S.  are against division of Kosovo because it is recognized as a sovereign and independent state, said Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon during his visit to Belgrade. Gordon noted in an interview for Beta news agency,
that United States considers that Belgrade and Pristina should,  as soon as possible, start  talks not about status, but about solving practical problems.  U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said that the European integration of Serbia and the entire Balkans, is "a strategic goal of the administration of Barack Obama” but added that Belgrade will find it difficult to get closer to the membership in the EU with the unsolved question of Kosovo.  Gordon said that "the opinions of the International Court of Justice, whatever that would be, could not become a turning point.” He pointed that the issue of Kosovo should be overcome in order to solve practical problems and improve living conditions for all citizens.  "I think we need new talks between Serbia and Kosovo on practical issues. I would not call that negotiations because Kosovo is an independent, sovereign state but there can and must be efforts to solve difficult practical issues," said the American official.  According to Gordon, who is in charge of relations with Europe and Eurasia,  Pristina and Belgrade should talk directly and there is no reason to wait for the opinion of the International Court of Justice.  "The talks could begin immediately because it is a useful and necessary process but blocked for the long time. But there is an impression that both sides are waiting for some reason on the opinion of International Court of Justice, and then let it be so," he said.  Asked whether the division of Kosovo is acceptable to Washington, Gordon said that "the U.S. does not support" the idea because it would set a precedent that would encourage new thinking about the divisions and that "it is not in anyone’s interest."  "We recognize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo and that includes all citizens within Kosovo, Serbs and other minorities should have their rights guaranteed by law, with a significant degree of autonomy, decentralization as an important principle, the protection of religious sites and local communities, but all in the context of territorial integrity, "said Gordon.  Asked whether the division of Kosovo would be acceptable in exchange for Serbian recognition of Kosovo's independence Gordon said that "no one expects that Serbia will recognize Kosovo," but also to Washington, "the division is not an option."  Gordon rejected the allegations that the Washington is thinking about a new UN Security Council resolution on Kosovo instead of 1244, pointing out that Kosovo is independent and that the U.S. does not see the reason for "new efforts in the UN.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Italy wants Serbia in EU

Belgrade, May, 13. 2010 (Serbia Today) - The Italian parliament is ready to be the first to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Union and Serbia, according to President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini. "Such support of Italy is important for Serbia's road towards the EU," Fini said after a meeting with the President and Prime Minister and President of Serbia Boris Tadic and Mirko Cevtkovic.  Finney believes that as Serbia is part of Europe it is necessary that the European Union should include the Western Balkans.  "Serbia is part of Europe geographically, but primarily in the cultural sense and require the inclusion of Balkan countries in the EU as soon as possible to complete its political map," Fini declared. Italy believes that Europe needs to honestly assess the efforts of Serbia towards the EU, the Italian official said, adding that Europe should not apply double standards in relation to countries who wish to join the Union. "

Government of Serbia takes over the company Corridor 10

Belgrade, May 13. 2010 (Serbia today) – At the meeting on Friday (7th. may), the Serbian government recommended that the Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia transfer the founding of the firm Corridor 10 to the state. Thus the government should become the direct owner of the enterprises. Blic writes that the new director will be set up by Democratic Party. The company "Corridor 10" will be extinguished, and the Government will establish a new company instead with much greater powers. This company will be responsible for continuing the construction of Corridor 10, as well as the road Belgrade-Boljare, part of the so-called corridor 11, which will be linked to roads in seven European countries, confirmed the Ministry of Infrastructure. In addition to construction, the firm will deal also with the expropriation and design, which has so far been the biggest problem in the implementation of corridor 10. Milutin Mrkonjic, Minister for Infrastructure, said the establishment of this company will upgrade to the existing 'Corridor 10', which was not independent, but was a subsidiary firm of Roads of Serbia. 'Corridors of Serbia' will not be a public company, but a limited liability company. It will spend budget funds and will not make a profit. It’ll have full autonomy in the work, "said Mrkonjic. New company will not receive any new employees, but will second employees from "Corridor 10", as well as from related ministries. At the head of the new company will be an expert, who will be recommended by the Democratic Party. The government said that the candidate already exists and is currently employed in the Directorate of Land Development in Belgrade. On the other hand, the establishment of new companies will automatically reduce the jurisdiction of the "Roads of Serbia", which will in future be responsible for maintaining roads.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Malovic: Serbia cooperate with EULEKS 

Belgrade, May, 12. 2010 (Serbia today) - Cooperation between Serbia and EULEX is very good, claims Serbian Justice Minister Snežana Malović . Speaking to Radio Free Europe she said that cooperation is especially good in the judiciary sector, adding that pressing problems are getting solved.  Malović also reminded public of the protocol signed last year with the EU mission in Kosovo regarding cooperation with the Serbian Interior Ministry for intensifying the fight against organized crime and the control of the administrative borders.  She said that one result of such cooperation was Friday’s, arrest of Sabit Geci, former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army during the 1999 conflicts.

Fascism has no place in Serbia

Belgrade, May, 11. 2010 (Serbia Today) – Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said yesterday evening that there is no place for fascism in Serbia and that Serbia is firmly committed to becoming a key partner to countries that want peace in the region. Speaking at a reception held to observe World War Two Victory in Europe Day, Cvetkovic said that it is our task to protect human dignity, to protect the individual’s right to live in a democratic society and to defend international law, while ensuring economic development and a stable future. Victory in Europe Day reminds us of the atrocities of World War Two and of the consequences of violence, ethnic and religious intolerance and genocide, he said. Europe Day is also celebrated on this day since modern Europe was built on the principles of the struggle against fascism, on the principles of peace, understanding, tolerance and cooperation, said the Prime Minister. More than 50 million people lost their lives in World War Two and 61 countries were affected by the violence and destruction it brought, including former Yugoslavia and Serbia, where human losses were immense, he said. This was the first country to offer resistance to death, fear and humiliation brought by fascism, therefore we are obliged to remind our future generations that it is the duty of all countries and nations to make every effort to prevent the emergence of inhuman ideologies, said Cvetkovic. Lessons learnt from war warn us that ignoring violence and indifference can reach fatal proportions. The ideal of freedom is the foundation of every society’s development, he said. The memory of those who fought for our freedom makes us responsible for trying to understand each other better. It obliges us to defend basic principles of civilisation, to prevent religious differences from turning us against each other and to be aware that it is only by respecting others that we can respect ourselves, he said. We cannot forget that World War Two led to fatal conflicts in this region, said Cvetkovic. Sites of atrocities and massacres in Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Jasenovac, Jajinci, Staro Sajmiste, Novi Sad, Nis and a number of other places are painful reminders of the War, warning us that events like these must never be repeated, stressed the Prime Minister. We must honour and respect all those who gave their lives for freedom – our freedom fighters, those from other countries and the Soviet army, who participated in the struggle to liberate our country from fascism, he said. Serbia is situated in an area which has been a focal point of conflicting interests of powerful countries for centuries. Its history is in fact a history of war and today Serbia knows that the struggle for peace and freedom must be a peaceful one and that it is the only way to protect our national potential, he said. There is no place for fascism in Serbia.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Serbia clearly committed to processing all war crimes

Belgrade, 10 May 2010 – Minister of Justice Snezana Malovic stated today that the discovery of a possible mass grave in Raska with remains of over 250 Kosovo Albanians is of extreme importance for determining the truth about crimes committed in the province. Malovic told the Beta news agency that Serbia is fully prepared to uncover the truth about all missing persons in Kosovo-Metohija and bring to justice all perpetrators of these crimes. The Minister said she expects the investigation to intensify in order to shed some light on the fate of around 2,000 missing Serbs and Albanians from the province. She reiterated that Serbia is clearly committed to and invests maximum efforts in finding and punishing perpetrators of all war crimes, regardless of their nationality or position they may occupy. By discovering a possible mass grave in Raska, Serbia once again showed its clear stance towards its past and sent a message that these things will not be repeated, the Minister said.

Tadic : Serbi wants EU and Kosovo

Belgrade, May, 10. 2010  (Serbia today)  - Serbia definitely wants to become a member of the EU  but will never give up on protecting its integrity in Kosovo, said Serbian president Boris Tadic. At a ceremony commemorating 180 years of the Serbian Army (VS) elite Guard (Garda) at Pozarevac, Tadic said that those are the  two key points of Serbia's current and future policy. Serbian president stressed that the country “takes care of its people, wherever they may live”, and added that Serbia conducts a peaceful policy.  “If there is a stable Serbia, conditions are met for the development of all of southeastern Europe, to benefit all people who live in this area,” the president told the gathering. He also added that it was very important for the “people, all institutions and political parties” to unite over those principles. “We are extending a hand of reconciliation because today we need unity. The Serbian Army has its place in that context, and today and in the future, we are ready to invest in the army despite the crisis,” Tadić pointed. 

Brammertz comes to Belgrade

Belgrade, May, 10. 2010 (Serbia Today)  The chief prosecutor of the  the Hague tribunal, Serge Brammertz will arrive in Belgrade on May 12, where he will meet Serbian President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic. The Tribunal announced  that Bramerc will spend two days in Belgrade (May 12 and 13), where he will meet with the head of the National Council for Cooperation with Hague tribunal Rasim Ljajic, War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic and other officials of the action team that is searching for fugitives. The topic of discussion will be Serbia's cooperation with the Tribunal. Brammertz expects to present his report to the UN Security Council on June 18th. He will also evaluate the cooperation of Serbia, including the progress in the search of defendants who are still fugitives - Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic. The Brammertz assessment of Belgrade's cooperation depends  on whether the EU will ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ambassador Vorlik opens conference on technology and education in Belgrade

Belgrade, May 08. 2010 (Serbia today) - U.S. ambassador in Serbia Mary Vorlik will open the annual conference "Technology and Education: necessity or luxury?", which will be held from 7 to 9 May in Belgrade. At the conference, one of the speakers will be Professor Sean Konli with the Department of English Language from the New School in New York, and regional adviser for the teaching of English Lisa Harsbarger. The conference will be held under the auspices of the U.S. Embassy in Serbia and the Association of Teachers of English Serbia (ELTA). The Department of Media and Cultural Embassy is one of the biggest sponsors of the conference, not only through financial support but also in bringing experts from the United States to share their knowledge with counterparts from Serbia and the region.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

US and EU have different planes for Serbia – Kosovo relations?

Belgrade. May, 07. 2010 (Serbia today)  EU wants Serbia to start to start practical cooperation with Kosovo authorities, while Washington plans to  request that Belgrade consent to the suspension of the UN SC Resolution 1244 in exchange for accelerated integration into the EU and its funds, writes daily Blic. According to Blic, Washington has been working on that plan for two months. EU and Washington obviously have different plans for the day after the International Court of Justice gives its opinion over Kosovo independence, writes daily Blic. While the EU plan is not defined and is primarily focused on pressure on Serbia, Washington has been working for two months on a plan for suspension of the UN SC Resolution 1244 in exchange for accelerated integration for Serbia to the EU and its funds. Obrad Kesic, A well informed political analyst of American ‘TSM Global’ agency of Washington reveals to ‘Blic’ the new policy of the State Department. He says that the plan has the approval of the White House. He also says that Washington expects Belgrade to give consent for the suspension of the UN SC Resolution 1244 immediately after announcement of the ICJ opinion. Blic’s sources from the Serbian Foreign Ministry are categorical that these are mere ‘provocations’ and that there shall be no negotiations before the ICJ gives its opinion and before the session of the UN SC on that occasion is held. Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic told Tanjug yesterday that ‘negotiations over Kosovo and Metohija are possible within the frame of the UN SC Resolution 1244 only’.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Arandjelovac Elections-Victory of the Progressive party

Belgrade/Arandjelovac, May 06. 2010(Serbia Today) - The local election in Arandjelovac, a small town, some 80 kilometers from Belgrade, attracted great public and media attention. Many expected the inhabitants of Arandjelovac to reflect the opinion of all of Serbia and present the real state of affairs on the country’s political scene. Results of the Municipal Electoral Commission confirmed the Serbian Progressive Party won 25.11 percent of the vote and 12 of 41 total seats, Democratic Party 20.69 percent of the vote or 10 seats, while the Socialists are supported with the 14.3 percent of voters, and obtained six seats. After repeated local elections in one polling station in Arandjelovac, Serbian Radical Party has managed to get a representative in the local parliament. The Socialist Party of Serbia will lose one member and the Serbian Progressive Party will lose three members in the local parliament shall have G17, New Serbia and the Democratic Party of Serbia, which won 7.17 percent, 7.09 percent and 6.31 percent of the vote. Liberal Democratic Party and the Serbian radical party will be represented with two members, scoring 5.4 percent, or 5.16 percent of the vote. Their representatives will not have Serbian Renewal Movement and the two groups of citizens. On Arandjelovac local elections voted 65.31 percent of registered voters. Elections were held on 25TH April, but repeated because of irregularities at one polling station.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jeremic to attend UN ministerial conference in New York

Belgrade/New York, May 5 2010 (Serbia Today) – Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic will attend today in New York a UN ministerial conference marking the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The conference will be attended by foreign ministers of all countries that signed the Treaty in 1970. These countries are all UN members except India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea. During the visit to New York, Jeremic will have a series of bilateral talks with officials from all over the world and will brief them about current developments concerning the status of Kosovo-Metohija.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lajcak prepares plan for Kosovo

Belgrade, May 03, 2010 (Souirce: B92) – As Belgrade TV station B 92 reports, the Slovakian Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak said that the EU will be prepared on the day that the ICJ gives its opinion on Kosovo’s independence proclamation. He said that he has prepared a plan for solving the problems between Serbia and Kosovo. Even though he did not want to speak on the details of the plan, Lajčak said that it involves technical cooperation between Belgrade and Priština, and has nothing to do with the status of Kosovo. The EU Ministers will be informed of the new plan for the Kosovo crisis on May 10. Lajčak’s Slovakia has not recognized Kosovo’s independence. “I can say that we need a regional dynamic and communications on practical things that can enable the entire Western Balkans to progress. It is impossible to keep the problems and blockades between the countries continuing and have the countries progress towards the European Union. It goes against the logic and spirit of EU, and the Union is not prepared to accept new members in that way,” Lajčak said. Political analyst Dušan Janjić said that the solution for cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo that Slovakia has prepared will only address technical questions. “As good as could be, such an initiative cannot solve the essential problem, and that is the status of the province,” Janjić said. He said that a better idea would be the one proposed by the French earlier for Serbia entering the EU and Kosovo joining the UN, but without the recognition of independence. Janjić reminded that such a model, in which states were UN members and participated in the work of the UN but did not have a vote, was successfully implemented during the cold war on Ukraine, Belarus, and even East Germany and later the Palestinian movement .

Dragutinovic, Bringeus to sign agreement on development cooperation

Belgrade, May 01, 2010 (Serbia Today) - Finance Minister Diana Dragutinovic and Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Krister Bringeus will sign an agreement concerning development cooperation for 2010 between Serbia and Sweden at 11.00 on 4 May, at Nemanjina 11. Under this agreement, Sweden will support programs and projects for the democratization of society, human rights protection and environmental protection. Key areas defined for dialogue are sustainable development, gender equality and the role of women in democratic development and EU integration. Sweden provided more than €103 million in assistance to Serbia from 2001 to 2009 .

Friday, May 7, 2010

Jeremic: Strong support for Beijing continued

Belgrade, April 30. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Vuk Jeremic, the Serbian Foreign Minister discussed yesterday in Shanghai the issue of Kosovo with the Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. He told Tanjug news agency that Beijing will continue to support Serbia in defense of its territorial integrity. "We had extensive talks on Kosovo, in order to synchronize our participation in the international arena, particularly in the United Nations, but also in all international organizations, where the secessionist authorities in Pristina could attempt to gain membership, a privilege that only sovereign states, "said the Minister. “China is one of the most influential countries of today”, said Jeremic and added that Beijing's support "of paramount importance and is a great encouragement to continue with our efforts." Jeremic said that he and Young spoke about deepening economic cooperation, first of all new investment in strategic infrastructure of Serbia - transport and energy. In the near future, we expect the official initiation of new projects, he announced. We can be very satisfied with the fact that no other country of the Balkans can boast with this kind of relations with China, initiated by the signing of the Treaty on Strategic Partnership between our two countries during last year's visit to Beijing by the Serbian President Boris Tadic, Jeremic said.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Italy strongly supports Serbia's EU integration

Belgrade, 29 April 2010 (Serbia Today) – Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration and Minister of Science and Technological Development Bozidar Djelic said yesterday that Italy strongly supports Serbia's European integration and that Italy’s support will be of great importance when Serbia’s EU application is considered. Djelic, after talks with Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, said that they discussed the forthcoming conference in Sarajevo, to be held on 2 June, as well as bringing the Western Balkans closer to membership of the EU. He stated that Serbia will present its plan of development, agenda 2020, and will encourage other countries in the region to do the same. Speaking on scientific and technological cooperation, the Minister of Science and Technology has announced that from September the Embassy of Italy in Serbia will obtain advisers on issues of science, who will upgrade bilateral relations to a higher level. Frattini stressed that Serbia’s submission of candidacy for EU membership to the European Commission by the end of Spain's EU presidency is a priority for Italy. The second priority for Italy would be for other member states of the Union to give the green light for the start of the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia, he said. The role of Serbia is to contribute to regional stability, the stability of countries such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, and to cooperate in the fight against organized crime, said the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Frattini has welcomed Serbia's intention to present its agenda 2020 at the conference in Sarajevo. The meeting’s goal will be that Western Balkan countries present concrete projects for investment, he said. It is important that countries that still have doubts about the membership of the Western Balkans in the EU are shown that these candidacy countries not only ask for money, but offer new opportunities and projects for investment, he concluded.

Security situation in Serbia stable

Belgrade, April 28. 2010 (Serbia Today) - First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic said yesterday that the security situation in Serbia is stable and that there have been no reports of any terrorist risks. Opening the “Emergency Management – dealing with aftermath of acts of terrorism” regional conference, Dacic said that past terrorist attacks in the Ground Safety Zone in southern Serbia mainly targeted police and army personnel. The Law on emergency situations envisages a response by state and local bodies to natural disasters as well as terrorist acts, said Dacic. The implementation of this law will start by the middle of this year, he said. The law is in harmony with EU regulations, said Dacic adding that the positive experiences of EU countries were taken into account while drafting the law. He stressed that a national strategy on protecting citizens in emergency situations should also be adopted, explaining that the document implies prediction, control, response and assistance to the populace. Dacic recalled that the Law on emergency situations mentions an integrated management system for the whole of Serbia, affirming that activities have already been taken to record all black spots in the country most likely to be the location of emergency situations. He also recalled that terrorist acts are a global threat and are mostly linked with criminal activities, adding that state organs throughout the world must take greater care in order to protect people and property. Assistant Minister of the Interior and Head of the Sector for Emergency Situations Predrag Maric pointed to the importance of pre-emptively defining risks and threats and preventing and removing the consequences of emergency situations. Maric said that a great deal has been done in Serbia in this respect, recalling a number of protocols and agreements which Serbia signed, but also added that Serbia still has a lot of work to do in order to set up a system which will help us avoid the mistakes made by other countries in the region.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kuwait interested in products of Serbia’s military industry

Belgrade/Kuwait, 27 April 2010 (Serbia Today)– Minister of Defense Dragan Sutanovac said yesterday that Kuwait officials expressed great interest in products of the Serbian military industry and that it was agreed to bring back those products to Kuwait’s market. Sutanovac told Tanjug news agency after the meeting with Emir’s Deputy Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah that Serbia will no longer only export young scientists and the country’s products, but that it will also become an integrating system of a great part of the military industry of the region and of the whole of Europe, Sutanovac said. He voiced the hope that this business cooperation with Kuwait will open up possibilities for export of these products to other countries in the Persian Gulf as well. Prime Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad said after the meeting that Kuwait’s army is very familiar with the equipment made in Serbia and that he expects that a series of bilateral agreements will be signed. We expect that our cooperation will surpass commercial relations, ie the sale of arms and military equipment and that we will cooperate in the field of education and exchange visits. We hope that, following the invitation of Minister Sutanovac, we will soon visit Serbia, said Prime Minister Nasser Al-Mohammad. During the day, the delegation of the Ministry of Defense will visit a military base in Kuwait.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

“State, but also citizens to blame for flooding damage”

Belgrade, April 26, 2010 (Serbia Today) - President Boris Tadić said that both the state and the citizens themselves are to blame partially for the flooding damage incurred in the south. He said in Leskovac that the state must help the people hurt by the floods and that there can be no favoritism in the process. Tadić said that the floods that hit Leskovac and the region are a consequences of “laziness and irresponsibility,” adding that those who did not clean the drainage canals in the region will be punished. Tadić visited the Leskovac community of Bobište, where about 1,000 homes were flooded, stating that there is no rational explanation for why the canals for getting the water out of these communities have not been cleaned in over 50 years, adding that he would come back in several months to see what has been done to remedy the problems. “I demand that those who were supposed to clean the canals and did not do so be punished. Also, there should be inquiries into how licenses were received for building homes next to and right on top of the canals. Of course, a part of the responsibility is on the citizens as well, who behaved recklessly towards the drainage canals,” the President said. Bobište citizens told him that they are afraid that the commission that is evaluating the amount of damage to their homes would not do its job objectively, which is what happened to them five years ago in similar circumstances. Tadić said that he would follow the events closely and make sure that no one receives special treatment. After Leskovac, Tadić visited Aleksinac, which also suffered serious damages in the flooding.