Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tadic:  Reconciliation is absolute imperative in the region 

Belgrade, June, 04. 2010. (Serbia Today) - Serbian President Boris Tadić said that an absolute imperative in the Balkan region is reconciliation.  He added that the declaration condemning crimes committed in Srebrenica (Adopted by Serbian parliament in March) was an indicator of an absolute dedication of Serbia country to a restoration of trust and good neighborly relations. “Reconciliation is to us a moral imperative, and in order for that to happen the truth has to be told without embellishing it. It has to be based on facts, truth about bloodshed that must never happen again in this region”, Tadić said in a statement published by Večernje Novosti today.  He underscored that Serbia also comprehends reconciliation as condemnation and distancing from crimes committed by individuals, who had falsely claimed that they act on our national behalf, and from the policy that supported violence and hatred. Tadić pointed out that by assuming the initiative in the process of regional reconciliation, Serbia had opened doors to the others, strongly believing that together they can build a safe and prosperous future for all citizens on their common path to the European Union. According to his evaluation, Serbia demonstrated courage and historic maturity by adopting the resolution condemning the crime committed in Srebrenica. “But, during the civil wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, all conflicting sides committed atrocious crimes, which is why we hope that the parliaments of other countries in the region will have the strength to face the truth and condemn the crimes committed against all innocent victims”, said Tadić.

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