Friday, June 11, 2010

State Secretary: There will be new Kosovo status talks

Belgrade, June, 08. 2010 (Serbia Today) -Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanovic has said on Friday that there will “certainly be new negotiations about the status of Kosovo.” Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks. “It is very important that both sides realize the need for the talks and a reasonable solution” said Ivanovic and pointed out that the world is slowly realizing the correlation between Kosovo’s status and stability in the Balkans. “That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia”, he emphasized. According to the state secretary, it is imperative to secure a ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which favors the Serbian position.

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