Thursday, June 10, 2010

National Council: Serbia cooperates with the Hague Tribunal 

Beograd, June, 07. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Serbia has answered all 1,886 requests filed by the Hague tribunal prosecutor, which referred to documentation, access to state archives, allowing witnesses to disclose confidential information and other issues that are the responsibility of the council,  announced The Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. The Council also concluded that Serbia's responsibilities have been carried out in a routine and problem-free manner. The council concluded that this applies "both to the cooperation with the office of the Hague prosecutor and the indictees' defense teams.” The council feels that these results were achieved because of the established mutual trust between the council on one side and the office of the Hague Prosecutor and indictees' defense teams on the other. With that in mind, the council concluded it necessary to maintain the existing level of cooperation through joint efforts with other government institutions

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