Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SAA ratification, if Brammertz’s report is positive

Belgrade, June, 11. 2010 (Serbia Today) – Director of the Dutch Foreign Ministry Department for South East and East Europe Caspar Veldkamp said in Belgrade on Monday that Holland could give its consent for the EU Council of Ministers to commence the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) if Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz gives a positive report on Serbia's cooperation with the war crimes court. According to a statement issued by the Serbian parliament, Veldkamp conferred with Serbia's President of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs Dragoljub Micunovic. He reiterated Holland's stance that the apprehension of the remaining Hague indictees is important for Serbia's EU path and relations between the two countries. The delegation from Holland, which included Dutch Ambassador to Serbia, Ron van Dartel, noted that Serbia is a leading country of the Western Balkans and that there can be no full integration of the region into the EU without it, adding that Serbia needs to meet all the criteria and conditions on its EU path. Serbia's “recognition of Kosovo” is not a condition to its EU accession, but “development of good neighborly relations”, said the statement.

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