Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jeremic: Possibility for historic compromise

Belgrade, June 11, 2010. (Serbia Today) - Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic said that the possibility for a historic compromise to be reached between Serbs and ethnic Albanians will increase after the decision of International Court of Justice (ICJ). Jeremić specified that this would happen once the International Court of Justice (ICJ) reports back to the UN General Assembly regarding the legality under international law of the ethnic Albanian unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence. The proclamation was made two years ago, and was rejected by Belgrade. Now, speaking in Lima, Peru, Jeremić stated that Serbia was ready to engage in dialog. “My country is ready to engage in a good-faith dialog that produces a solution to the Kosovo problem acceptable to all parties. Serbia will be constructive in the talks to come, for a solution needs to be found, requiring flexibility on all sides.”  At the 40th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Lima, Jeremić underlined that Serbia “will never accept an imposed outcome that aims to unilaterally terminate our sovereign rights in Kosovo”, adding that “this is neither just nor legitimate, or sustainable.” Jeremić underscored that the consequences of a positive outcome would not only be felt in our corner of Europe, adding that they would provide a critical boost to all who are committed to consolidate a rules-based international order for the 21st century-“one in which unilateralism is clearly seen as a threat to stability, and one in which reaching agreement is an essential element in enhancing the security of the world.”

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