Saturday, June 26, 2010

New political battle for Kosovo?

Belgrade, June, 22. 2010. (Serbia Today) - New political battle will ensue after the International Court of Justice gives its opinion on Kosovo’s independence, writes Priština daily Express. The daily writes that this will have consequences for both Belgrade and Priština. “Both sides will try to interpret the opinion to their advantage, and the winner will be the side that shows greater political power,” unnamed sources from Kosovo institutions told the daily. They also said that “partner countries” of Belgrade and Priština would also be involved in the process. Priština is announcing new recognitions after the ICJ’s decision is given and expects help in that process from countries that have recognized Kosovo’s independence. “One step which will be taken by the Kosovo institutions is that they will send demands for recognition to countries that have yet to do so. Along with the demands, they will be sending their interpretation of the court’s decision,” the source said. The daily states that experts of the International Crisis Group (ICG) believe that Priština and Belgrade will “begin talks from different positions” after the court decision. “Serbia will have to treat Kosovo as an equal side. Belgrade will try to talk about the possibility of discussing Kosovo’s status, while Priština will insist on talks that only include technical questions,” ICG analyst in Kosovo Naim Rashiti said. He said that Priština and Belgrade would not talk only about technical questions, because there is a possibility that there will be talks about some parts of the Ahtisaari proposal for Kosovo’s status. The ICJ’s opinion is expected unofficially some time in July.

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