Monday, June 14, 2010

Debate started in Parliament, opposition says Soskic might not be preferred NBS candidate

Belgrade June, 10, 2010 (Serbia Today) - Serbian Parliament opened on Monday in an extraordinary session to debate amendments to the Law on the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), which will be applied in the selection of Governor. New Serbia party Director Borislav Borovic, however said that Dejan Soskic might not be the preferred choice. He noted that Soskic prefers a flexible exchange rate of the domestic currency, which could “disqualify him as a desired candidate for this position.” Borovic also said that “the Serbian government intends to defend the exchange rate at all costs by pumping euros into the Serbian foreign currency reserve, which was a strategy agreed on in the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund.” “That is why the speculations are real that the NBS governor would be someone who is closer to that concept”, he said,

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