Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Serbian officials: EU decision is big step for Serbia

Belgrade, June 17. 2010. (Serbia Today) - Deputy PM Božidar Đelić claims that the EU decision to ratify the SAA with Serbia was a “big step and an important moment for the country”. According to Đelić, Serbia has “thus become an EU associate member”. "Parliaments of all EU member states will ratify the agreement and thus show the investors in their respective countries that Serbia is a secure place and that it is possible to do business with us, which will increase the number of investors and jobs in our country," Đelić said. He pointed out that, even though it was not expected, the European ministers added an official conclusion regarding Serbia's candidacy. "First of all, they welcomed the candidacy, second of all they greeted Serbia's efforts within the EU integration and third, they decided to return to the issue of candidacy very soon. This means that already in the fall Serbia may make its second big step towards Europe, that is the European Commission may be given the green light to consider our candidacy," Đelić said. "In that case, Serbia's goal to become a EU candidate country by mid 2011 would become a reality," he stressed. The Council concluded that Serbia has submitted the request for EU membership on December 22, 2009, and greeted the country's commitment to EU integration, whereas Serbia's request for acquiring candidate status will be considered subsequently. The Stabilization and Association Agreement between Belgrade and Brussels was signed in late April 2008, but was immediately suspended pending Serbia's full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković voiced the expectation that Serbia would gain European Union candidate member status in 2011. Cvetković said the process of ratifying the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Serbia and the EU could last one to two years, as parliaments of the 27 members of the bloc would have to confirm the deal.

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