Friday, June 18, 2010

Deputy PM Božidar Đelić says he expects Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz's report to be sufficient for EU countries to ratify the SAA.

Belgrade, June, 12. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Serbia and the EU signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) in the spring of 2008, but its ratification was immediately blocked, with the Netherlands demanding Belgrade's full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Đelić, who is to head a state delegation in Luxembourg on June 14, said that there will be communication with Brammertz, who will also be present, and that a decision to start the ratification process would be an important step forward in Serbia's European integration. "Yesterday we had a meeting with the political director of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and what we heard is an indication of a positive outcome, but he said that there will be additional consultation between the Dutch parliament and the Dutch government this week", Đelić told state broadcaster RTS. Asked whether anything could change after today's parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, Đelić said that in terms of ratification the position will not change, but the fact that there are elections in the Netherlands and Belgium is an aggravating circumstance for the expected second step, which is "forwarding of the nomination to the European Commission for consideration.” Asked whether he expected negative reactions of the EU member states that have recognized Kosovo, Đelić said that “Serbia does have only friends in Europe, it is up to our country to fight, to enter into an alliance and to do what is in the interest of its citizens.” “Full-fledged EU membership is in the interest of Serbia, but not at any cost. Kosovo is an inseparable part of Serbia, and we as a country respect UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which has arranged issue in southern Serbia is a specific manner", concluded Đelić.

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