Tuesday, June 1, 2010

President Tadic encourages “economic patriotism”

Belgrade, May, 26. 2010 (Serbia Today) - President Boris Tadic called on Serbian businesspeople to show “economic patriotism” in these difficult times of economic crisis. He said on Sunday that there is no problem with businesspeople who are going “off shore” to register their companies in countries other than Serbia, when it is in accordance with the law. “Every country is doing everything it can to attract serious businesspeople to work in their country, to pay taxes and contributions to that country”, Tadic said.  He said that businesspeople are facing temptation and want to ask the state for aid, but added that the state actually needs help from them.  Tadic said that businesspeople need to pay taxes to their country, just like all other people. “This is a time when we expect some type of economic patriotism,” he said, adding that it is absolutely unacceptable for companies to be sold as “off shore” companies and to give the money from the sale and taxes to another country.  He said that this question should be regulated by law, in accordance with business practices.

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