Friday, June 25, 2010

Tadic: Serbia strongly against corruption

Belgrade, June 19. 2010. (Serbia Today) - Serbia remains absolutely committed to fighting corruption and organized crime, says President Boris Tadić. He spoke in Belgrade at the recent opening of a round table dedicated to the fight against corruption and organized crime in southeastern Europe. Someone's political affiliation, family ties or role in the society will not provide them with protection, Tadić was quoted as saying. “As you can see, nobody's protected in Serbia, people who are in a way national icons and represent living monuments in the society are not protected,” he said, adding that “everyone's entitled to a fair trial”. According to Tadić, Serbia remains committed to EU integrations and wishes to contribute to the regional stability, and that in all of Europe, “and for that reason Serbia remains a partner to the Western Balkans and all European countries in the fight against organized crime and corruption”. Justice Minister Snežana Malović echoed the president's statements, adding that the success of that fight will depend on a “change of mentality of the citizens”, and on establishment of a “new system of values”. As for the state's role, the minister believes that it will “implement laws consistently” and in this way secure efficient prosecution of corrupt individuals and breaking up of financial channels used by crime groups. “This applies to all who have illegally acquired their economic power no matter what their social status is, and who use that power to corrupt state officials, buy media outlets and manage financial institutions,” said Malović.

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