Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brammertc:  We act as Mladic is still alive

Belgrade, June , 25. 2010. (Serbia Today) - The chief prosecutor of the tribunal in The Hague, Serge Brammertz (Serge Brammertz) said that the court, and the Serbian authorities act under the assumption that the Hague fugitive Ratko Mladic is still alive. Brammertz said that at a press conference after the regular semi-annual reports of UN Security Council, responding to a journalist's question whether the court is against Mladic's family decision to declare dead of the Hague fugitive. He said that the Hague Tribunal "is the assumption that the Mladic is still alive" and that the competent authorities in Serbia have the knowledge that he is  still hiding. The prosecutor reiterated that the arrest of fugitives Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic, remain the highest priority to the prosecution. "The message is clear, there is no alternative to arrest Mladic", he said. Brammertz announced that in the past six months, the Serbian authorities continued with the operational activities for the arrest of Mladic and Hadzic, but there is still not enough real results  and that is why  Belgrade should  re-evaluate the current way of searching, expand the investigation and intensify efforts to find and arrest. Mladic. Lawyers of  Ratko Mladic family handed over on June 16 in the First Instance Court in Belgrade, the proposal to declare that dead of the Hague fugitive.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Council of Europe recognize resolution 1244

Belgrade, June 24. 2010. (Serbia Today) Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg adopted a resolution on Kosovo status, which emphasizes neutrality of the oldest European organization considering Kosovo status. Also resolution highlight the need of strong commitment to overcome problems in the field of rule of law, democracy and respect for human and minority rights. The resolution implement the neutral policy of Council of Europe towards Kosovo status and further recognizes the validity of Security Council Resolution 1244. 33 members of the European organization recognized the Kosovo independence.

Monday, June 28, 2010

United regions victory in the Bor local elections

Belgrade, June 23. 2010. (Serbia Today) The United Regions of Serbia (URS) coalition and the Socialist Democratic party of Serbia (SDPS) won the most votes in the local elections in Bor. Leader of the United regions of Serbia is G17 plus president and economy minister Mladjan Dinkic while lieder of SDP is labor minister Rasim Ljajic. Election monitors CeSID. According to CeSID's (election monitor) preliminary results, based on 80 percent of the votes, URS won 25.15 percent of the vote in the eastern Serbian municipality. According to the organization's Regional Coordinator for eastern Serbia, Radomir Milošević, the Change for Bor Group led by SNS and NS, finished second with 18.7 percent. The Democratic Party (DS) led “For a European Bor” finished third with 17 percent of the vote, while the SPS-PUPS-JS coalition finished fourth with 11.8 percent of the vote. LDP also passed the 5-percent threshold with 6.57 percent, as did DSS with 5.48 percent. The Serb Radical Party (SRS) did not pass the census, with only 4.8 percent of the vote. Milošević said that the elections would be repeated in seven days at one polling station where irregularities were noticed. SPS official in Bor Branko Ružić said that the elections results are “proof of the vitality and continuity of excellent results in all parts of Serbia” for the coalition. G17 Plus deputy leader Vladimir Ilić said that the parties of the state government would be in power in Bor as well. Ilić said that it made sense for the local government to be formed through a coalition with the municipal presidency going to a member of the URS. “This is the first time since the URS was founded that it has participated in an election,” Ilić said. The final results are expected to be known by June 23. According to initial statistics, 43 percent of registered voters in Bor participated in the elections.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New political battle for Kosovo?

Belgrade, June, 22. 2010. (Serbia Today) - New political battle will ensue after the International Court of Justice gives its opinion on Kosovo’s independence, writes Priština daily Express. The daily writes that this will have consequences for both Belgrade and Priština. “Both sides will try to interpret the opinion to their advantage, and the winner will be the side that shows greater political power,” unnamed sources from Kosovo institutions told the daily. They also said that “partner countries” of Belgrade and Priština would also be involved in the process. Priština is announcing new recognitions after the ICJ’s decision is given and expects help in that process from countries that have recognized Kosovo’s independence. “One step which will be taken by the Kosovo institutions is that they will send demands for recognition to countries that have yet to do so. Along with the demands, they will be sending their interpretation of the court’s decision,” the source said. The daily states that experts of the International Crisis Group (ICG) believe that Priština and Belgrade will “begin talks from different positions” after the court decision. “Serbia will have to treat Kosovo as an equal side. Belgrade will try to talk about the possibility of discussing Kosovo’s status, while Priština will insist on talks that only include technical questions,” ICG analyst in Kosovo Naim Rashiti said. He said that Priština and Belgrade would not talk only about technical questions, because there is a possibility that there will be talks about some parts of the Ahtisaari proposal for Kosovo’s status. The ICJ’s opinion is expected unofficially some time in July.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nato ministers discuss reduction of KFOR numbers

Belgrade, June 21. 2010. (Serbia Today) NATO defense ministers met recently in Brussels to, among other issues, consider a possibility of further cutting KFOR numbers in Kosovo. The ministers concluded that additional political and military assessments of the security situation in Kosovo were needed before a decision is made on the reduction of the number of KFOR troops to 5,000 and on shifting the mission into a "deterrent phase.” The defense ministers of NATO and other countries whose troops are part of the NATO-led peacekeeping force in the province said that “despite the occasional security incidents in Kosovo, general developments are still moving in the right direction, toward greater security and stability, as well as stronger local institutions.” This was stated by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who said that the ministers had not yet developed an exact program of reducing and transforming KFOR into a deterrent mission, although this is the aim that will be gradually achieved. Rasmussen was asked at a news conference to say whether the KFOR mission would be downsized regardless of the recent clashes between ethnic Albanians and Serbs on the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica and of other incidents. "We occasionally witness some incidents, as was the case a couple of weeks ago, but I believe", Rasmussen said, "that the general development is clear - an improvement of the security situation." "And this will allow for a gradual reduction of our military presence (in Kosovo)," Rasmussen explained.

Tadic: Serbia strongly against corruption

Belgrade, June 19. 2010. (Serbia Today) - Serbia remains absolutely committed to fighting corruption and organized crime, says President Boris Tadić. He spoke in Belgrade at the recent opening of a round table dedicated to the fight against corruption and organized crime in southeastern Europe. Someone's political affiliation, family ties or role in the society will not provide them with protection, Tadić was quoted as saying. “As you can see, nobody's protected in Serbia, people who are in a way national icons and represent living monuments in the society are not protected,” he said, adding that “everyone's entitled to a fair trial”. According to Tadić, Serbia remains committed to EU integrations and wishes to contribute to the regional stability, and that in all of Europe, “and for that reason Serbia remains a partner to the Western Balkans and all European countries in the fight against organized crime and corruption”. Justice Minister Snežana Malović echoed the president's statements, adding that the success of that fight will depend on a “change of mentality of the citizens”, and on establishment of a “new system of values”. As for the state's role, the minister believes that it will “implement laws consistently” and in this way secure efficient prosecution of corrupt individuals and breaking up of financial channels used by crime groups. “This applies to all who have illegally acquired their economic power no matter what their social status is, and who use that power to corrupt state officials, buy media outlets and manage financial institutions,” said Malović.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

3 EU states against Serbian candidature

Belgrade, June 18. 2010. (Serbia Today) - 24 EU member-states support the forwarding of Serbia’s candidate application the European Commission, writes Belgrade daily “Vecernje novosti”. As Večernje Novosti reported, Belgium, Holland and Germany were against it. At the EU Ministerial meeting held on June 14, discussions regarding the issue were longer than expected, and as a result, the working lunch between the Ministers and Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz also lasted longer, says the article. Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen, who is sees as the main proponent of the hard-line position, did not back down at the meeting, while Italy's Franco Frattini was “as usual” on Serbia’s side, writes the daily. The EU meeting in Luxembourg decided that the Stabilization and Association agreement between Belgrade and Brussels, signed two years ago and suspended, can be ratified in EU member-states' parliaments, but a decision on Serbia's EU candidate status bid was postponed. “Serbia needs to be even closer to the EU, in every aspect. The Italian proposal is that Serbia needs to receive the ratification and have its (candidate) application forwarded to the Commission. We will continue to try to convince all those who are indecisive about moving ahead with this,” Frattini was quoted as saying. He added that the candidacy question should be discussed at the next EU ministerial meeting in July, and also said he expected the SAA ratification process to be swift, even though it has been known to last over a period of several years. “I believe that all the countries of the EU will ratify the SAA with Serbia by the end of the year,” Frattini said. Several countries announced that their parliaments would be urged to put the issue on their agendas immediately, while Holland will continue to insist on further extraditions of fugitive war criminals to the Hague Tribunal before doing so.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Serbian officials: EU decision is big step for Serbia

Belgrade, June 17. 2010. (Serbia Today) - Deputy PM Božidar Đelić claims that the EU decision to ratify the SAA with Serbia was a “big step and an important moment for the country”. According to Đelić, Serbia has “thus become an EU associate member”. "Parliaments of all EU member states will ratify the agreement and thus show the investors in their respective countries that Serbia is a secure place and that it is possible to do business with us, which will increase the number of investors and jobs in our country," Đelić said. He pointed out that, even though it was not expected, the European ministers added an official conclusion regarding Serbia's candidacy. "First of all, they welcomed the candidacy, second of all they greeted Serbia's efforts within the EU integration and third, they decided to return to the issue of candidacy very soon. This means that already in the fall Serbia may make its second big step towards Europe, that is the European Commission may be given the green light to consider our candidacy," Đelić said. "In that case, Serbia's goal to become a EU candidate country by mid 2011 would become a reality," he stressed. The Council concluded that Serbia has submitted the request for EU membership on December 22, 2009, and greeted the country's commitment to EU integration, whereas Serbia's request for acquiring candidate status will be considered subsequently. The Stabilization and Association Agreement between Belgrade and Brussels was signed in late April 2008, but was immediately suspended pending Serbia's full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković voiced the expectation that Serbia would gain European Union candidate member status in 2011. Cvetković said the process of ratifying the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Serbia and the EU could last one to two years, as parliaments of the 27 members of the bloc would have to confirm the deal.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

EU citizens can come to Serbia without passports

Belgrade, June 16. 2010. (Serbia Today) Citizens of EU member-states, as well as from Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, can enter Serbia as of Saturday with only their personal identification cards. The Serbian government passed a decision on May 28 regarding countries whose citizens can cross the border into Serbia without a passport, as long as they have a valid identification card. The officilas of Interior Ministry said to the Tanjug news agency that the border patrols are organizationally and technically equipped to perform such border controls. Citizens of these countries that enter Serbia without a passport will be able to stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Parliament works for BIA and not for citizens

Belgrade, June 15. 2010 (Source : B92) - The ruling coalition in Serbia has no intention of forcing security services to obtain court permission if they want to follow who, with whom, for how long and when is communicating by phone or via Internet. It is obvious that the amendment to the law on electronic communications suggested by Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic for protection of privacy of communications is not going to be accepted by the Parliament. As one of the reasons for refusal of the Ombudsman’s proposal mentioned by the whip of the ‘For European Serbia’ caucus Nada Kolundzija is that the amendment has not been filed ‘in line with the parliamentary procedure’. Jankovic denied that claim at his site and presented electronic copy of the document forwarded to Serbian Parliament. On the other hand the ruling coalition has accepted amendment to article 130 which includes supervision by the Secretary for information of public importance. If we are talking about possible abuse of authority that security services have, then we think a debate should be opened over that topic and see if laws defining that sphere should be changed. This is a basic law in the field of telecommunications and it cannot define segments such as judicial system and security services. If somebody thinks that this is not in line with the Constitution, then opinion by the Constitutional Court of Serbia can be requested. If that court rules otherwise, that decision has to be respected. We think it is not in contradiction with the Constitution’, Kolundzija said

Friday, June 18, 2010

Deputy PM Božidar Đelić says he expects Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz's report to be sufficient for EU countries to ratify the SAA.

Belgrade, June, 12. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Serbia and the EU signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) in the spring of 2008, but its ratification was immediately blocked, with the Netherlands demanding Belgrade's full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. Đelić, who is to head a state delegation in Luxembourg on June 14, said that there will be communication with Brammertz, who will also be present, and that a decision to start the ratification process would be an important step forward in Serbia's European integration. "Yesterday we had a meeting with the political director of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and what we heard is an indication of a positive outcome, but he said that there will be additional consultation between the Dutch parliament and the Dutch government this week", Đelić told state broadcaster RTS. Asked whether anything could change after today's parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, Đelić said that in terms of ratification the position will not change, but the fact that there are elections in the Netherlands and Belgium is an aggravating circumstance for the expected second step, which is "forwarding of the nomination to the European Commission for consideration.” Asked whether he expected negative reactions of the EU member states that have recognized Kosovo, Đelić said that “Serbia does have only friends in Europe, it is up to our country to fight, to enter into an alliance and to do what is in the interest of its citizens.” “Full-fledged EU membership is in the interest of Serbia, but not at any cost. Kosovo is an inseparable part of Serbia, and we as a country respect UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which has arranged issue in southern Serbia is a specific manner", concluded Đelić.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jeremic: Possibility for historic compromise

Belgrade, June 11, 2010. (Serbia Today) - Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic said that the possibility for a historic compromise to be reached between Serbs and ethnic Albanians will increase after the decision of International Court of Justice (ICJ). Jeremić specified that this would happen once the International Court of Justice (ICJ) reports back to the UN General Assembly regarding the legality under international law of the ethnic Albanian unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence. The proclamation was made two years ago, and was rejected by Belgrade. Now, speaking in Lima, Peru, Jeremić stated that Serbia was ready to engage in dialog. “My country is ready to engage in a good-faith dialog that produces a solution to the Kosovo problem acceptable to all parties. Serbia will be constructive in the talks to come, for a solution needs to be found, requiring flexibility on all sides.”  At the 40th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Lima, Jeremić underlined that Serbia “will never accept an imposed outcome that aims to unilaterally terminate our sovereign rights in Kosovo”, adding that “this is neither just nor legitimate, or sustainable.” Jeremić underscored that the consequences of a positive outcome would not only be felt in our corner of Europe, adding that they would provide a critical boost to all who are committed to consolidate a rules-based international order for the 21st century-“one in which unilateralism is clearly seen as a threat to stability, and one in which reaching agreement is an essential element in enhancing the security of the world.”

SAA ratification, if Brammertz’s report is positive

Belgrade, June, 11. 2010 (Serbia Today) – Director of the Dutch Foreign Ministry Department for South East and East Europe Caspar Veldkamp said in Belgrade on Monday that Holland could give its consent for the EU Council of Ministers to commence the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) if Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz gives a positive report on Serbia's cooperation with the war crimes court. According to a statement issued by the Serbian parliament, Veldkamp conferred with Serbia's President of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs Dragoljub Micunovic. He reiterated Holland's stance that the apprehension of the remaining Hague indictees is important for Serbia's EU path and relations between the two countries. The delegation from Holland, which included Dutch Ambassador to Serbia, Ron van Dartel, noted that Serbia is a leading country of the Western Balkans and that there can be no full integration of the region into the EU without it, adding that Serbia needs to meet all the criteria and conditions on its EU path. Serbia's “recognition of Kosovo” is not a condition to its EU accession, but “development of good neighborly relations”, said the statement.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Debate started in Parliament, opposition says Soskic might not be preferred NBS candidate

Belgrade June, 10, 2010 (Serbia Today) - Serbian Parliament opened on Monday in an extraordinary session to debate amendments to the Law on the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), which will be applied in the selection of Governor. New Serbia party Director Borislav Borovic, however said that Dejan Soskic might not be the preferred choice. He noted that Soskic prefers a flexible exchange rate of the domestic currency, which could “disqualify him as a desired candidate for this position.” Borovic also said that “the Serbian government intends to defend the exchange rate at all costs by pumping euros into the Serbian foreign currency reserve, which was a strategy agreed on in the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund.” “That is why the speculations are real that the NBS governor would be someone who is closer to that concept”, he said,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brammertz: Serbia to alter the strategy in search for Hague fugitives

Belgrade June, 09, 2010. (Serbia Today) - Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will propose in his report on Serbia’s cooperation that Belgrade alter its strategy in the search for Hague fugitives, reported Serbian television B92. Brammertz has already submitted his report to ABOU Serbian in cooperation with the Tribunal to United Nations diplomats. At the same time Daily Politika writes that Holland will support the ratification of the SAA with Belgrade if Serge Brammertz’s cooperation report is positive. As Serbian media reported, Brammertz will reiterate that Serbia’s efforts in trying to locate the remaining fugitives are continuing, but that there should be a change in strategy in the search for Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić. According to the document, which B92 has seen, Brammertz will recommend that Belgrade spread its search into different directions instead of focusing their work on individual investigations. Brammertz will also state that there is no proof to justify the belief that Mladić is not in Serbia. Brammertz will commend the cooperation of the National Council for Hague Cooperation which has met all of the Hague Prosecution’s demands regarding the exchange of documents. He also is expected to praise the fact that 3,000 pages of Mladić’s diary were handed over to the Hague office, adding that the information contained in these pages is of great importance to a number of trials. Brammertz will be reporting to the UN Security Council and EU ministers on Serbia's cooperation with the Hague Tribunal some time in June Daily Politika has learned from inside the cabinet of Holland’s foreign minister that the parliamentary elections in the country on June 9 will not be an obstacle in supporting the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the EU. “If you are asking what will happen if Brammertz is content with cooperation, then it is possible that Holland’s answer will be positive”, a source from Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen’s cabinet Gijs Korevaar told the daily. “If Brammertz is satisfied as he was when he wrote the positive report in December, we will not reject the start of ratification”, he said. Hague Chief Prosecutor Brammertz will give his next report to the UN Security Council on June 18, when EU foreign ministers will meet for the last time under the Spanish presidency. Belgium will assume the EU presidency on July 1

Friday, June 11, 2010

State Secretary: There will be new Kosovo status talks

Belgrade, June, 08. 2010 (Serbia Today) -Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanovic has said on Friday that there will “certainly be new negotiations about the status of Kosovo.” Such negotiations are necessary and they are always better than conflict, he added, and warned of the danger of high tension and conflict in case there were no talks. “It is very important that both sides realize the need for the talks and a reasonable solution” said Ivanovic and pointed out that the world is slowly realizing the correlation between Kosovo’s status and stability in the Balkans. “That’s why the position that new talks and finding of a sustainable solution are necessary is increasingly maturing. And it will be sustainable only if supported by Serbia”, he emphasized. According to the state secretary, it is imperative to secure a ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which favors the Serbian position.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

National Council: Serbia cooperates with the Hague Tribunal 

Beograd, June, 07. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Serbia has answered all 1,886 requests filed by the Hague tribunal prosecutor, which referred to documentation, access to state archives, allowing witnesses to disclose confidential information and other issues that are the responsibility of the council,  announced The Council for Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. The Council also concluded that Serbia's responsibilities have been carried out in a routine and problem-free manner. The council concluded that this applies "both to the cooperation with the office of the Hague prosecutor and the indictees' defense teams.” The council feels that these results were achieved because of the established mutual trust between the council on one side and the office of the Hague Prosecutor and indictees' defense teams on the other. With that in mind, the council concluded it necessary to maintain the existing level of cooperation through joint efforts with other government institutions

PABSEC assembly session begins in Belgrade

Belgrade, June, 07. 2010 (Serbia Today) –  The 35th plenary session of the General Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) started at the Serbian parliament on Wednesday. Opening the session, chaired by Serbia, in the first half of 2010, the Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic said that, given the fact that the EU is one of the priorities of Serbian foreign policy, the Serbian delegation strongly supported the deepening of cooperation with European Parliament, strengthening regional cooperation and the place of PABSEC on the international scene. She said that "in the times of crisis facing the whole international community, it is necessary to unite efforts to overcome the crisis and the (inter-parliamentary) cooperation is one way of initiating important  

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

President Tadic on three-day visit to Greece

Belgrade/Athens, June, 04. 2010 (Serbia Today) – On Tuesday Serbian President Boris Tadic started a three-day official visit to Greece, during which he met with Greek President Karolos Papoulias. Tadic said that Serbia will continue to implement a peace-keeping policy in the Balkans, and thus manifest its support to peace and the European future of the whole region. "However, there is no condition under which Serbia would recognize the independence of Kosovo and we are ready to resume talks on a compromised and mutually acceptable solution for the future status of Kosovo and Metohija after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague passes its ruling", Tadic said. The Greek president pointed out that Athens will continue to offer strong support to Serbia's EU aspirations. Serbia should become a member of the European family in the shortest possible time since that is the country's rightful place, Papoulias stated. Papoulias underlined that regarding the future status of Kosovo and Metohija, Greece will continue to support the search for a solution based on international law and Serbia's territorial integrity. The two presidents discussed the economic crisis that has hit Greece, and Tadic expressed Serbia's solidarity to the Greek people.

Tadic:  Reconciliation is absolute imperative in the region 

Belgrade, June, 04. 2010. (Serbia Today) - Serbian President Boris Tadić said that an absolute imperative in the Balkan region is reconciliation.  He added that the declaration condemning crimes committed in Srebrenica (Adopted by Serbian parliament in March) was an indicator of an absolute dedication of Serbia country to a restoration of trust and good neighborly relations. “Reconciliation is to us a moral imperative, and in order for that to happen the truth has to be told without embellishing it. It has to be based on facts, truth about bloodshed that must never happen again in this region”, Tadić said in a statement published by Večernje Novosti today.  He underscored that Serbia also comprehends reconciliation as condemnation and distancing from crimes committed by individuals, who had falsely claimed that they act on our national behalf, and from the policy that supported violence and hatred. Tadić pointed out that by assuming the initiative in the process of regional reconciliation, Serbia had opened doors to the others, strongly believing that together they can build a safe and prosperous future for all citizens on their common path to the European Union. According to his evaluation, Serbia demonstrated courage and historic maturity by adopting the resolution condemning the crime committed in Srebrenica. “But, during the civil wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, all conflicting sides committed atrocious crimes, which is why we hope that the parliaments of other countries in the region will have the strength to face the truth and condemn the crimes committed against all innocent victims”, said Tadić.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Environment minister: Serbia will recycle waste generated

Belgrade/Nis, June, 03, 2010 (Serbia Today) – Environment Minister Oliver Dulic said on Monday that Serbia in the next few years will be recycling almost its entire waste on its own territory. "We are entering the packaging waste management model that will lead to that in the near future, every city will have separate containers for separation of waste. Our citizens will be able, while generating anything as household packaging waste, to inject into separate containers, which will be separating in recycling yards on the specific raw materials and than directing to the recycling industry", explained Dulic. Minister said that the aim in the next few years is for Serbia to employ 10,000 people in recycling industry. "Our goal is to open up new jobs, as well as an entirely new industry that almost doesn’t exist today in Serbia", he said. Minister of the Environment has opened the first International Fair of ecology, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources at Hall Cair in Nis.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tension on Kosovo

Belgrade, June, 02. 2010 (Serbia Today) While Serbs were voting on Sundays (May 30) in local elections in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo, stones were being thrown across the bridge that separates northern and southern Kosovska Mitrovica. Acording to media reports KPS, KFOR and EULEX forces in the region stopped the conflicts between Serbs and Albanians from escalating. The conflict began on the main bridge across the Ibar River, where EULEX police were stationed. Two persons suffered light injuries, said reports from the ethnically divided town. Before the incidents occurred, there were some 2,000 ethnic Albanians protesting the Serb elections in the north on the southern side of the bridge, calling for a “defense of Kosovo’s sovereignty.” The Albanians later moved towards the bridge, where local Serbs were gathering. Stones and rocks started flying from each side shortly after. Serbs were voting today in local election in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo. Protests by former so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, members and the Movement for Unity were being held in the southern part of Mitrovica against the elections, which were organized by the government in Belgrade.  There were 13 lists participating in Mitrovica and four in Novo Brdo. In central Serbia, displaced persons in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kraljevo, Kragujevac and Niš were able to vote as well. The Serbian government dissolved the local governments in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo on December 24, 2009, and established a temporary administration in the municipalities. President of the Serbian State Election Commission Veljko Odalović said that the protests today aimed to put pressure on the voters and international community in order to stop the voting. Southern Kosovska Mitrovica Municipal President Avdi Kastrati said that the elections in the northern part of the city were "illegal.” He said that the residents of the northern part of the city need to "turn towards the future and prepare for the elections that would be organized by the Kosovo leadership in September.” The NATO peacekeeping mission KFOR has stated that it would offer protection for all participants in peaceful protests.

Tension on Kosovo

Belgrade, June, 02. 2010 (Serbia Today) While Serbs were voting on Sundays (May 30) in local elections in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo, stones were being thrown across the bridge that separates northern and southern Kosovska Mitrovica. Acording to media reports KPS, KFOR and EULEX forces in the region stopped the conflicts between Serbs and Albanians from escalating. The conflict began on the main bridge across the Ibar River, where EULEX police were stationed. Two persons suffered light injuries, said reports from the ethnically divided town. Before the incidents occurred, there were some 2,000 ethnic Albanians protesting the Serb elections in the north on the southern side of the bridge, calling for a “defense of Kosovo’s sovereignty.” The Albanians later moved towards the bridge, where local Serbs were gathering. Stones and rocks started flying from each side shortly after. Serbs were voting today in local election in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo. Protests by former so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA, members and the Movement for Unity were being held in the southern part of Mitrovica against the elections, which were organized by the government in Belgrade.  There were 13 lists participating in Mitrovica and four in Novo Brdo. In central Serbia, displaced persons in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kraljevo, Kragujevac and Niš were able to vote as well. The Serbian government dissolved the local governments in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo on December 24, 2009, and established a temporary administration in the municipalities. President of the Serbian State Election Commission Veljko Odalović said that the protests today aimed to put pressure on the voters and international community in order to stop the voting. Southern Kosovska Mitrovica Municipal President Avdi Kastrati said that the elections in the northern part of the city were "illegal.” He said that the residents of the northern part of the city need to "turn towards the future and prepare for the elections that would be organized by the Kosovo leadership in September.” The NATO peacekeeping mission KFOR has stated that it would offer protection for all participants in peaceful protests.

Serbia, Egypt sign agreement on air traffic

Belgrade, June, 02. 2010 (Serbia Today) – The governments of Serbia and Egypt signed in Belgrade on Friday a new agreement on air traffic cooperation. This is a bilateral agreement that defines commercial relations between air transporters, selection of airline companies, their nomination, security area, harmonization with world standards, and other issues. The agreement was signed as part of a two-day meeting of the mixed Serbian-Egyptian committee held in Belgrade on Friday after 23 years and aimed at promoting the Serbia-Egypt economic cooperation. The document was signed by Serbian Infrastructure Minister Milutin Mrkonjic and visiting Egyptian Minister for International Cooperation Fayza Abul-Naga. Deputy Chairman of the mixed Serbian-Egyptian committee for economic cooperation Abul-Naga pointed out in the talks with Mrkonjic in the Serbian parliament that the cooperation between Serbia and Egypt has great potential in the domain of civil engineering, adding that the Serbian construction companies can take part in the infrastructure projects in Egypt and the entire African continent. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Defense minister Sutanovac on “historic agreement”

Belgrade/Zagreb, June, 01. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Defense Minister Dragan Sutanovac has stated in Zagreb that a "historic agreement" will be signed in June between Serbian and Croatian militaries. The deal would put behind "the dark past" and should serve as a lesson on how to cooperate in the future, he was quoted as saying in a statement for Belgrade-based weekly NIN. "After all the wars, the Serbian and Croatian armies will bilaterally meet for the first time in order to sign an agreement on cooperation in the area of defense. This is a historic agreement", Sutanovac said. He said that Croatia is the last country in the region with which Serbia is signing such an agreement, adding that “Croatia still has certain traumas from the 1990's which are even bigger than Serbia's traumas.” When asked what exactly will be signed and what type of cooperation the agreement envisages, Sutanovac answered that it includes "the possibility of joint exercise, training, education, exchange of experience .

Thursday, June 3, 2010

“Cooperation with Croatian army necessary”

Belgrade, May 31. 2010 (Serbia Today) - EULEX announced that unapproved visits from officials and politicians” from central Serbia will “no longer be allowed. Serbian minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović reacting to the new accused the EU mission in the province, EULEX, of taking the side of Kosovo Albanians. “If they do not have authorization, the delegations will not be allowed to continue their trips,” said  spokesperson for the EU mission in Kosovo Karin Limdal  for Albanian language daily Koha Ditore.  “Taking into consideration the unauthorized visits of Serbian officials to Kosovo, in close cooperation with Brussels and the EU, EULEX has issued a decree for Kosovo police to control Serbian delegations to see whether they are authorized to visit Kosovo or not”, she was quoted as saying.  The mission has handed out a set of rules to Kosovo police, KPS, on procedures, and has also given these guidelines to police in the Serb-dominated northern Kosovska Mitrovica, said reports. The rules state that the obligation of the police is to check every vehicle with Serbian officials to see if they have been authorized to visit Kosovo. The Priština newspaper writes that a “record number of Serbian officials” visited Kosovska Mitrovica on Tuesday, in preparation for the coming local elections, adding that the officials “promised that Kosovo would remain an inseparable part of Serbia”.  EULEX has already announced that it would not “recognize” the early local elections due to be held in Serb municipalities in the north.  "Clearly, with this move EULEX has taken the side of Priština, assuming the role of the secessionists' advocate, in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244,” said Serbian minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanović stated. “Our patience and our demonstrated constructive approach have their limits”, the minister warned in a statement carried by Beta news agency.  Bogdanović added that EULEX's decision meant that it also violated the neutrality which is spelt out in its mandate.  The minister noted that this decision came after a recent statement by EU envoy for northern Kosovo Michael Giffoni, who was quoted as saying that the status of Kosovo was a “closed issue as far as the Union was concerned.” “I demand that EULEX urgently reverse this decision, because otherwise, as I have stated, our cooperation and relations will be seriously brought into question. This decision was clearly deliberately timed ahead of the (local) elections in (northern Kosovska) Mitrovica, to in this way join in Priština's provocations,” said the minister.  Bogdanović added that the early local elections in the Serb-dominated municipality would be held regardless of provocations, and that they would serve to “confirm the credibility of the state of Serbia, strengthen her institutions and presence in the Province, and especially in its northern part”.  “I would like to stress that this morning I traveled from Belgrade with no problems to the northern part of the Province, where I am right now. How will anyone prohibit me, born and living in Kosovo and Metohija, or any other politician from the Province, from going to our own homes,” Bogdanović said in his statement.

EULEX: No more unapproved visits by Serbian officials

Belgrade, May, 31. 2010 (Source: B92) - Defense Minister Dragan Šutanovac announced that Serbia and Croatia will sign a defense cooperation agreement in June. He said that the signing of agreements between the ministries of the two countries should lead to a road of final reconciliation. Šutanovac said that the best path to reconciliation is through united exercises, both in Serbia and outside the country’s borders. “Even though our past is burdened with many victims, we want to show that the two armies are not enemy armies and that they can contribute not only to regional, but also global security,” he told daily Politika. “Every agreement on cooperation leads to the solving of problems, and every criticism of such an agreement is a lack of understanding for problems that can be solved through dialogue. I am aware that that the past is still burdening relations between the two countries today, but I am convinced that this agreement will contribute to the stabilization and quicker solving of problems which are not related solely to defense issues,” Šutanovac said. He said that the Defense Ministry has agreements signed with all regional countries, adding that threats of terrorism and organized crime do not choose what country, border or ethnicity they affect. “If we do not increase security cooperation on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, either through police, army, or information agency cooperation, every country will be just as endangered, no matter how much it isolates itself and does not wants to cooperate,” he said.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

President Tadic encourages “economic patriotism”

Belgrade, May, 26. 2010 (Serbia Today) - President Boris Tadic called on Serbian businesspeople to show “economic patriotism” in these difficult times of economic crisis. He said on Sunday that there is no problem with businesspeople who are going “off shore” to register their companies in countries other than Serbia, when it is in accordance with the law. “Every country is doing everything it can to attract serious businesspeople to work in their country, to pay taxes and contributions to that country”, Tadic said.  He said that businesspeople are facing temptation and want to ask the state for aid, but added that the state actually needs help from them.  Tadic said that businesspeople need to pay taxes to their country, just like all other people. “This is a time when we expect some type of economic patriotism,” he said, adding that it is absolutely unacceptable for companies to be sold as “off shore” companies and to give the money from the sale and taxes to another country.  He said that this question should be regulated by law, in accordance with business practices.