Saturday, April 24, 2010

Warlick : We Want Serbia to Join WTO

Belgrade, April 18. 2010 (Serbia Today) - The United States of America wants to strengthen bilateral relations with Serbia and specially when it comes to trade and investments, and also to help Serbia to join the World Trade Organization, said the U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick. "We hope that completing the process of accession to the WTO was an important component of EU accession and of the opening of the Serbian market. We think that it is very important and we will see what we can do," Mary Warlick told the press and added that she wants to focus on improving economic cooperation between Serbia and the United States and that in Washington there is great interest in this aspect of the relationship between the two countries. "We want people to know that in Serbia there are plenty of opportunities (for investment), and I think that the United States and Serbia can do much more in this regard," added the American ambassador. Commenting on the recent visit of Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg Belgrade, Mary Warlick said that Steinberg came with a message of support to the US-Serbian relations and reiterated a similar message was conveyed by Vice President Joseph Biden in May of last year. "This is largely a follow up on the visit Vice President Biden. The Deputy Secretary of State reiterated the wish that our relations with Serbia 'reset' and our desire to expand cooperation with Serbia in all areas," said Warlick.

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