Friday, April 9, 2010

There is no alternative but to arrest Mladic

Belgrade, April 02. 2010 ( Serbia Today ) - The Chief Prosecutor of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Serge Brammertz said that his report on Serbia's cooperation with the Tribunal will be completed by the end of May and at this point does not know what will be like. “The fact that the previous report was positive does not mean that you will automatically be the next, because it is a new assessment, "he said in an interview with Vecernje news. Brammertz said that the arrest of the remaining fugitives Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic has no alternatives. In recent statements that could be seen that every time there was an improvement, in various areas of cooperation. I am aware that the next report is waiting with impatience, but now it is too early to speak about it, he added. According to him there is a good professional cooperation with Serbia. I hope to continue that everything will be done to fugitives be arrested. There's no alternative. As for the evaluation, I really want to be careful, "he said.All observers in and outside the tribunal agree that the policy of conditionality is an important factor and gave results. All agree that, especially with the support and encouragement from the EU, made significant progress in the former Yugoslavia. We would, therefore, that the EU continue with this approach, but must accurately separate court, the technical process, on the one hand, and the process of political decision-making, on the other. We all agree that the primary responsibility for the arrest of fugitives in the region, in general, and now especially in Serbia. I know that the Serbian authorities are working actively on this issue, which was confirmed by the operational meetings, he said.

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