Friday, April 16, 2010

Serbia “to convince British courts” in Ganić case

Belgrade/London, April 10. 2010 (Source:B92) - War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević said that he would do everything possible to convince the London courts to extradite Ejup Ganić to Serbia. Vukčević will be attending a hearing in London on Tuesday, at which the extradition will be discussed.The former president of the Bosnia-Herzegovina presidency, Ganić, is suspected by Serbia of having committed war crimes in Sarajevo. The London courts must decide whether he will stand trial in Sarajevo or Belgrade. “We are constantly communicating with the prosecution in Great Britain. I don’t want to put pressure on the English court in any way. All decisions of the English legislature will be respected by our institutions,” Vukčević told daily Politika. Asked if he believes that Ganić would stand trial if he is extradited to Sarajevo, Vukčević said, “Many problems could occur if he stands trial in Bosnia.” “Firstly, the main problem is the problem of a fair and just trial which is needed for the satisfaction of the victims. If it is true that the president of the Bosnian Supreme Court said ‘We are all Ganić,’ then I have a reason to question the objectivity of a trial in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” Vukčević said.

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