Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Interior ministry, US security structures to continue cooperation

Belgrade, 8 April 2010 – (Serbia Today) - First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic met today with US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg. During the meeting they voiced their pleasure with the cooperation between the Serbian Ministry of the Interior and US security structures in the fight against organized crime and terrorism and agreed that this cooperation should continue. Dacic informed Steinberg about the political situation in Serbia, underlining that the government is stable and that all coalition The Minister said that Serbia has established good cooperation with countries in the region, which is a precondition for a successful fight against crime. The Ministry of the Interior also desires good cooperation with representatives of the international community in Kosovo-Metohija, namely the Kfor, UNMIK and EULEX, because it is Serbia’s goal to maintain peace and security for all citizens. They also discussed the participation of Serbian police officers in EU peace missions and the increase in their number in Haiti. Dacic thanked the US embassy in Belgrade for endorsing the ministry’s work through a number of projects.
partners wish to preserve it until the end of the mandate.

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