Monday, April 12, 2010

Prosecutor: Officials to face investigations

Belgrade, April, 05, 2010 (Source: B92) - Organized Crime Prosecutor Miljko Radisavljević says that investigations will be launched soon against some heads of public companies. The probes would focus on corruption, he told Belgrade daily Blic. Radisavljević also revealed that early procedures were ongoing against "some officials from public companies and the judiciary", and expects that investigations would start in a month's time. The prosecutor, who since January has jurisdiction over investigating corruption cases, said that the names of the possible suspects would be given once requests for investigations against them had been submitted.

Radisavljević also noted that "there are no untouchables" when it comes to fighting organized crime, and that the prosecution expects to be supported by successful performances of other state bodies, "above all the police". The prosecutor said that his office had set continued financial investigation into Darko Šarić's crime group as its priority. Šarić and his gang are suspected of attempting to smuggle 2.7 tons of cocaine from South America to Europe last year. Radisavljević explained that the investigation against them must be completed by mid-April, and that this is when it must be decided if indictments will be raised against the group. He voiced optimism that this would happen, and said the investigation, which saw Serbia cooperate with Uruguay, Argentina, and also Italy and other European countries, had produced "convicting evidence". According to Radisavljević, that investigation would expand to include other suspects. However, he did not wish to provide any other details.

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