Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Presidents of Serbia and Croatia in Backi Monostor on Friday

Belgrade, April 15. 2010 (Serbia Today) - Boris Tadic and Ivo Josipovic, the presidents of Serbia and Croatia, will talk on Friday April 16 in Backi Monostor (Vojvodina) and after the meeting President Josipovic will meet with National Croatia Community in Vojvodina, said Jerka Alajbeg, Croatian Consul in Croatia. The two presidents will previously participate at the trilateral meeting in Pecuj and they will be hosted by Laslo Soljom, president of Hungary. Josipovic”s visit to Backi Monostor, a place near Sombor, will be his first visit in Serbia since he became a president in February. According to Jerka Alajbeg, the Croatian National Council delegation will be lead by its president Branko Horvat, who will inform the Croatian president of the position of Croatian national minority in Vojvodina. One of the main topics will be the election for the members of the Croatian National Council announced for June.

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