Thursday, April 29, 2010

Miguel Angel Moratinos visited Belgrade

Belgrade, April 22. 2010 (Serbia Today) - The Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Morationos arrived in Belgrade where he met the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Turkey. The main topics for discussion was the situation in the region, the future of the Western Balkans and the other issues. Miguel Angel Moratinos arrived on Tuesday afternoon in Belgrade and held a joint meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic and Ahmet Davutoglu, the Foreign Minister of Turkey. At the tripartite meeting the discussion was about the regional cooperation, the European future of the Western Balkans, as well as Spain's EU presidency in the region and other issues, said the Spanish ambassador Íñigo de Palacio España to Tanjug news agency. Commenting on whether at the meeting was discused about the formula for the participation of Belgrade and Pristina at the forthcoming conference of the EU-Western Balkans in Sarajevo in June, De Palacio said that in the common interests is to find a solution for the presence of all countries and stakeholders in the region at the meeting in Sarajevo on June 2nd. "In the interest of the entire EU and all Western Balkan countries is to all countries and all stakeholders in the region to be present in Sarajevo and we will not spare the efforts to achieve that goal with the help of colleagues from the EU and all partners in the region," said the Spain Ambassador.

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