Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Visa liberalization not jeopardized"

Belgrade, March, 12. 2010 (Source: Beta) - Interior Minister Ivica Dačić announced an investigation into the organized departure of Serbian citizens who sought political asylum in the EU countries.
He said that in the first two months of this year, the EU countries had sent Serbia 478 requests for the return of individuals, and that positive responses had been given to 304 requests, while 156 had received a negative response, with 18 in process of investigation. The minister stated that it was clear that those who left from the south of Serbia to Belgium and Sweden to seek political asylum would not get it, and that they would returned. He added that it concerned 400 people, mostly ethnic Albanians and a small number of Romas, who sought asylum in Belgium, and between 500 and 600 who tried to achieve the same status in Sweden. According to Dačić, it has been agreed that Macedonia and Serbia investigate whether there were elements of crime, considering that the organized departure of those persons was always "by the same bus lines". He stated that those buses were departing from Macedonia and picking up passengers in southern Serbia along the way.
The interior minister pointed out that Serbia will be very cooperative when it came to readmission and stated that he expected that the asylum-seeker controversy "would not jeopardize the visa liberalization with the EU countries". Late last year, Serbia was put on the so-called white Schengen list, allowing Serbians to travel to most EU countries without visas. Now Dačić explained that visa liberalization "did not mean a right to receive asylum or work and live in EU member states". Dačić explained that the asylum seekers claimed that they did not have any documents and added that Serbia accepted their return, "if it has been proven that they are citizens of Serbia". According to him, Serbia received a total of 2,191 readmission requests from authorities in the EU countries in 2009. He added that 1,423 were given positive responses, while more than 700 were denied because there was no proof that persons meant to be sent back to Serbia were in fact Serbian citizens.

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