Monday, March 29, 2010

Hungary, Serbia sign defense deal

Belgrade, March, 23. 2010 (Source: B92) - Serbian and Hungarian defense ministers Dragan Šutanovac and Imre Szekeres signed a defense cooperation agreement in Belgrade on Monday. “The agreement that was signed is a legal framework for further cooperation in cartography, education and exchange of experiences in the fields of peacekeeping missions, and the development of military-economic cooperation,” Šutanovac said. Szekeres said that the agreement will enable cooperation in the joint control of air space and military aid in emergency situations related to natural disasters. The Hungarian minister said that the reforms that Serbia is implementing in its military are an important step for its European integration. He said that Hungary completely supports Serbia’s European integration. Šutanovac said Budapest will support Serbia’s European path and that Hungary will not decrease the number of troops it has serving in KFOR. Szekeres added that it is very important for Hungary to maintain stability in the region, which is why its troops will remain in Kosovo. “Hungary agrees with withdrawing of the troops out only when all (security) conditions have been fulfilled,” Szekeres said. Šutanovac noted that Hungary transitioned to a completely professional organization of their military system five years ago and that it offered help to Serbia in the reforms of the defense system. “The Hungarian Army is organized in the most avant-garde way of all regional armies," Šutanovac was heard saying. "We believe that the Serbian Army will be organized in that way and that we will be able to increase the speed of Serbia’s integration."

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