Monday, March 1, 2010

Serbian Progressive Party push for early elections

Belgrade, Feb. 24, 2010 ( Serbia Today) – The leader of the opposition Serbian Progressive Party  campaigned in Belgrade on Monday for early elections.  He was joined by Velimir Ilic of the NS Party and Nenad Popovic of the DSS Party. As Serbian news agency Tanjug reports, they were united in their request for early parliamentary elections.
At a meeting to show support the campaign of signature-collection urging new elections in Serbia, Nikolić declared that SNS, NS and DSS are united, adding that he believed that other parties in Serbia will soon join them. He noted that around one million signatures have been collected so far. When asked about the formation of a pre-election coalition, Ilić answered that this issue will be discussed and that the parties are now firmly united. He believes that the most important matter is that the people are also united in their bid to hold elections. Popović stated that he was designated by DSS leader Vojislav Koštunica to attend the meeting. He added that the elections were the only solution for overcoming the "deep political and economic crisis" in the country.

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