Monday, March 22, 2010

Serbian, Kuwait bilateral relations excellent

Belgrade/Kuwait, March, 17. 2010 (Serbia Today) – Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic met with Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Cvetkovic, who is on a two-day visit to Kuwait, also talked with Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly Jassem Al-Kharafi and Chairman of the Kuwaiti Chamber of Industry and Commerce Ali Thunayan Al-Ghanim. The Serbian Prime Minister said that bilateral relations between the two countries are excellent and that economic cooperation should be improved. He said that trade exchange with Kuwait is very low and it should be increased and also that Kuwaiti investors should be encouraged to come to Serbia. Serbian companies should also offer their services to Kuwait, he said. Cvetkovic thanked Kuwaiti officials for not recognising the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, thus contributing to the defence of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Representatives of the Serbian government delegation, which included Minister of Trade and Services Slobodan Milosavljevic and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Rasim Ljajic, held a meeting tonight with political and economic officials of Kuwait and signed agreements on cooperation in the areas of health and air transport.

The agreement on cooperation in the field of health care encourages an exchange of experiences in health administration, public health, emergency medical assistance and cooperation between the two countries in the field of medical research. The agreement on air transport provides a legal framework and basic conditions for air traffic between Serbia and Kuwait. The meeting was also attended by representatives of Kuwaiti investment funds and funds for economic development. After signing the documents, the Prime Minister of Kuwait organised a dinner for the Serbian delegation, which was also attended by representatives of diplomatic corps in Kuwait. During his stay in Kuwait, Cvetkovic will attend a ceremony of awarding of diplomas to university graduates who completed their studies in the 2008/2009 school year. Also, Cvetkovic will visit the headquarters of the Kuwait Oil Company in Ahmadi and scientific centre for research and exploitation of oil.

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