Wednesday, March 3, 2010

“Serbia should insist on talks with EU in regard to Kosovo”

Belgrade, March, 02, 2010 ( Source: Tanjug) – DSS President Vojislav Koštunica said that Serbia should insist on talks with the EU in which there will be clear discussions of Kosovo. “European officials are stating every day that the time has come for conditions to be set before Serbia publicly to begin cooperating with Kosovo as a neighboring country,” the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) leader said. He said that it is “pointless for the government to continue to hide the truth from the people, because the time for fraudulence has passed.” “The government should not be allowed, without the approval of the parliament, to enter negotiations on new agreements, especially not on implementing good neighborly relations with Kosovo,” Koštunica said. He repeated that “the current government accepted EULEX without the approval of the parliamentary and signed an agreement on the recognition of borders with Kosovo,” and stressed that it is “unacceptable for the state parliament to never discuss the southern province.”

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