Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No agreement about Slovenia conference

Pristina, March, 10. 2010 (Source: Beta) - Slovenian PM Borut Pahor that disputes have not been settled concerning a conference of the region’s leaders. He spoke in Priština after meeting with the Kosovo Albanian Prime minister Hashim Thaci, Beta news agency reported. Pahor said he would "like to see all the region's leaders in Slovenia, including Serbian President Boris Tadić and Thaci". Following Belgrade's demand that Priština officials appear under the name "UNMIK-Kosovo," the representation of states as well as a joint declaration remain problematic. "At this moment, I cannot say that all problems concerning the conference organization have been settled," Pahor stressed. He went on to say that diplomatic efforts will continue in order to ensure the presence of all Balkan leaders who would discuss the region's European future with EU leaders. "It is however not the only problem we are facing," Pahor noted, adding: "You imagine us at the end of the conference wishing to adopt a declaration on the EU future of the Western Balkans and imagine what a job would it be to compose a declaration acceptable to all." Thaci did not specify Priština's official position concerning its desire to take part as an equal state, but confirmed Kosovo's readiness to take part in all international initiatives and regional conferences.

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