Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kouchner says “Independence of Kosovo irreversible”

Pristina, March 03, 2010 (Serbia Today) – During his visit to Pristina, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said in Priština that "Kosovo independence is irreversible as far as France is concerned". Kouchner was received like an old friend by the Kosovo Albanian political elite and was given the opportunity to address the assembly in Priština, B 92 reporters. In his address, he declared that "Kosovo independence represents a historic event which cannot be stopped or changed". He encouraged Kosovo leaders to begin a dialog with Serbia, "because that is the only path that leads to the EU". "I don't know the hour or date, but I know that one day, Kosovo and Serbia will be in the European Union, as independent and friendly countries. It would be an illusion to think that we can move towards Europe while not allowing a neighboring country to go the same route," he said. Kouchner commended the recent local elections in Kosovo, stating that they "show that Serbs in Kosovo are ready to offer an active role in their futures in Kosovo". "A lot of time has passed since my last visit in April 2007, and this route can be described with one word: independence. In the name of France, I wish to say that your independence is not being questioned, it is a historical event and nothing can change history, which is something everyone should accept," Kouchner said. Kosovo Albanian leaders said that "France played a large role in offering help after the conflicts and contributing to Kosovo's independence". Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that "Kosovo is dedicated to good neighborly relations with Serbia". "It is in the interest of our stability, regional cooperation and our European perspective, to leave the past with Serbia behind. The status question has ended and I believe that the whole world knows this," Thaci said. During the second day of his Kosovo visit, Kouchner met with senior officials of the international community in Priština, after which he visited the newly-formed Serb municipality of Gračanica.

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