Thursday, December 3, 2009

Signing of UN and Serbian Program for Southern Serbia

Bujanovac, Dec.2, 2009 (Serbia Today) - President of the Coordinating Body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, Milan Markovic, will attend the signing of an agreement on implementing the joint programam of UN agencies in Serbia and the Serbian government on December 2nd , in the Bujanovac Culture Centre.
The agreement will be signed by UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia William Infante, officials from Jablanica and Pcinja Districts, Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Krister Bringeus, Swiss Ambassador to Serbia Erwin Hofer, First Secretary of the Spanish embassy in Belgrade Pablo Rupérez and Secretary of the Norwegian embassy in Belgrade Jørgen Kran will be on hand for the signing of the document.
The program includes projects "Boosting Capacity for Inclusive Local Development in Southern Serbia" and "Promoting the Preservation of Peace in Southern Serbia", which are funded at an estimated USD 7.9 million. The programs are seen as key steps in spurring economic activity and development in Southern Serbia.

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