Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ministry of Energy to start discussion about nuclear plants

Belgrade, Dec. 16, 2009 (Source: eKapija) - The Ministry of Energy of Serbia will suggest opening of the public and expert discussion about use of nuclear energy in the energy sector in Serbia - the Minister of Energy, Petar Škundrić, said today (December 15, 2009).

It takes minimum 12 to 15 years to finish the construction of nuclear plant from the moment the decision on its construction is made. Serbian public do not have to worry about construction of nuclear plants within next 20 years - he said to the press in the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia.

Škundrić repeated that the Moratorium on construction of nuclear plants was in effect in Serbia and that the Ministry of Energy had not been working on planning or constructing nuclear plants to the date.
The Ambassador of Russia, Aleksandar Konuzin, said on November 30th in Novi Sad that Russia offered Serbia the possibility of construction of nuclear plants.

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