Monday, December 7, 2009

Serbia, US Outline New Defense Cooperation

Belgrade/Washington D.C., Dec 7th, 2009 (Serbia Today) – Serbian Minister of Defense Dragan Sutanovac said that talks with his US counterparts were highly constructive and that the US wishes to improve defense and economic relations with Serbia, despite the difference the two countries have over the Kosovo-Metohija issue.
At the end of a multi day visit to Washington and Ohio, Sutanovac said that the visit was very positive and that US officials showed a willingness to consider the removal of visa restrictions for Serbian citizens, reports Serbian news Service Beta.
“ I believe that conditions are being created for steps to be taken by the US towards visa liberalization, following the removal of visa restrictions by the EU,” said the Minister.
Sutanovac said that his meeting with US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was one of the most important meetings he has held since taking office and that his visit to the US will improve overall relations between the two countries.
Sutanovac and Gates discussed the Serbian Army’s further activities concerning the Partnership for Peace Programam and Sutanovac informed Gates about the Serbian Army’s participation in the peacekeeping mission in Chad and the wish to expand this kind of cooperation in the future.
Sutanovac announced that in February 2010, Chief of the Serbian Army General Staff Lieutenant-General Miloje Miletic will visit the US, and in September of next year Chief of the US National Guard Bureau General Craig McKinley will come to Serbia. These visits will help to strengthen cooperation and relations between the two countries, bearing in mind that Serbia wants to continue training its officers in the US.

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