Thursday, December 3, 2009

EU to Serbia: More Reasons for Celebrates

Novi Sad, Dec.3, 2009 (Serbia today) - After the EU Council of Ministers in Brussels adopted a decision on suspension of visas for the citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia on December 19, 2009, Serbia felt it had reason to celebrate, but according to EU officials there is more to come.
“After the Schengen Visa restriction have been dropped Serbia can expect more good news,” Olli Rehn, EU Enlargement Commissioner said at yesterday’s press conference after decision on visa suspension. Rehn recently remarked that he was reminded of the plaque he got as an honorary citizen of the ‘State of Exit’.
“This plaque was binding for me in the sense to make the EU more open especially for the young people from the Balkans. That was the first step towards putting Serbia on the Schengen list. I hope to come to Novi Sad again and be at the ‘Entry’ festival, a festival celebrating your country’s joining the EU,” Rehn said.
Serbia President Boris Tadic made similar remarks after getting the news the news about Serbia’s success in having the visa restrictions lifted.
“This is just the first step towards full integration with the EU,” said Tadic. He added that by this decision “Serbia has regained freedoms from 20 years back when their citizens did not need visas to travel to Europe.”
The EU Commissioner for Internal and Judicial Affairs, Jacques Barrot, congratulated Serbia on visa suspension.
“It is enough to see the happiness of the people of Serbia because of the suspension of the visa restrictions and to understand that this was a historical and important phase for bringing the West Balkan countries and the EU closer.”
Javier Solana, the EU representative for Security and Foreign Affairs also sent a message of support stating that “the Union is not complete without Serbia in it. I hope that implementation of the SAA in full shall be possible by the end of the year and my wish is that Serbia, also files the application for the candidate status.

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