Thursday, December 3, 2009

5 Year Visas for Serbs to US

By: Milen Vesovic
Belgrade, Dec.3, 2009 (Serbia Today) - U.S. Embassy Charge d'Affaires Jennifer Brash said in Jagodina that the country's embassy in Belgrade, sent a request that visas for Serbian citizens to Washington, which now are valid for three years, be extended to five.
Brash said that the U.S. is not a member of the European Union, "but we support the intentions of Serbia joining the EU where it belongs, and the abolition of visas is the first step and I think it is very important and useful for citizens of Serbia.”
"Serbia has a secure future in the EU and the United States strongly support and promote the prosperity and the integration of Serbia and the countries of the region into the Union," added Brash, who is visiting the Mayor of Jagodina - Dragan Markovic.
Brash explained that the U.S. Embassy in Washington has not yet received a response to the proposal for the duration of U.S. visas to be extended to five years. "It is very complex, it has to go through the various bureaucracies, but the Embassy in Belgrade is required. We said if the citizens of Serbia can move freely within the EU, why would they not be able move freely in America," concluded Brash

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