Friday, February 12, 2010

Vincent Degert says Kosovo not a problem

Belgrade, Feb. 09, 2010, (Serbia Today) - Chief of the EU delegation in Serbia, Vincent Degert, said that Kosovo would not be a problem in Serbia’s EU membership negotiations, Belgrade daily Politika reports. “In all cases, the EU insists on separating the process of European integration, which Serbia is progressing in, from the question of the final status of Kosovo, and this approach has been shown to be effective,” Degert said.
He said that “Kosovo is heading down its own path of European integration, while Serbia is on its own route and has made a lot of progress.” “Until a solution is found, there are many everyday question that have an effect on the lives of the people, which must be solved. For example—the recognition of property, civil and other legal issues, the question of customs and trade. These all call for practical solutions. That is what the EU supports,” he said. Degert said that the European Commission is ready to discuss the Serbian demand for EU candidacy, and that it is waiting to receive the go-ahead for doing so from the Council of Ministers. Degert said that the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) could occur in June after Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz’s new report on Serbia’s cooperation with the Tribunal, but said that he could happen earlier if “something positive” happens in the search for the remaining Hague fugitives. He said that once the Council of Ministers begins the process for candidate status, it could take Serbia “a year, maybe less” to achieve that status. Degert said that the implementation of the Interim Trade Agreement between Serbia and the EU will attract new foreign investments in Serbia. “It is clear that this will happen. Because we now have stable contractual relations between Serbia and the EU. This means transparency and certainty for investors and businesspeople,” Degert said.

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