Tuesday, February 2, 2010

President Boris Tadić says: “Intolerance of differences unacceptable”

Belgrade, Jan. 29, 2010 (Source: Beta) - President Boris Tadić yesterday took part in Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremonies in Belgrade,Beta reports.
He joined representatives of Serbia, Belgrade, the Jewish community and foreign diplomats in placing flowers at the Monument to the Victims of Genocide in World War II at Staro Sajmište, which was a Nazi concentration camp during the war. Speaking about the mass persecution and extermination of Jews in WWII, Tadić said Serbia will never accept the destruction of others who are different or because they belong to other ethnic, national, religious or political group. "No prejudice or odium, which tend to justify and inspire intolerance, can jeopardize our belief that our human identity is above all that and that in others we recognize ourselves and the possibility to expand our human aspect," Tadić said.
“We are witnessing attempts to make us forget those tragic temptations of the Holocaust, revision of the history of the Nazi crimes, and revival of the ideology of intolerance, racism and chauvinism, ethnic, religious and other forms of fascism," the president said, stressing that "this cannot and must not happen in Serbia." Israeli Ambassador Arthur Koll said the Holocaust Remembrance Day is a time to think and realize what can happen unless racism, prejudice and hate are stopped.
Belgrade City Assembly speaker Aleksandar Antić pledged the city will do everything it can to maintain memorial centers and build new ones to keep the memory of the greatest evil in human history alive. He went on to say that everything will be done to make Belgrade a safe city, free of racial and religious intolerance. The possibility of turning Staro Sajmište into a big memorial complex is being debated, according to Antić.


  1. Irrefutable Proof ICTY Is Corrupt Court/Irrefutable Proof the Hague Court Cannot Legitimately Prosecute Karadzic Case

    This legal technicality indicates the Hague must dismiss charges against Dr Karadzic and others awaiting trials in the Hague jail; like it or not.

    Unfortunately for the Signatures Of the Rome Statute United Nations member states instituting the ICC & ICTY housed at the Hague, insofar as the, Radovan Karadzic, as with the other Hague cases awaiting trial there, I personally witnessed these United Nations member states openly speaking about trading judicial appointments and verdicts for financial funding when I attended the 2001 ICC Preparatory Meetings at the UN in Manhattan making the iCTY and ICC morally incapable trying Radovan Karazdic and others.

    I witnessed with my own eyes and ears when attending the 2001 Preparatory Meetings to establish an newly emergent International Criminal Court, the exact caliber of criminal corruption running so very deeply at the Hague, that it was a perfectly viable topic of legitimate conversation in those meetings I attended to debate trading verdicts AND judicial appointments, for monetary funding.

    Jilly wrote:*The rep from Spain became distraught and when her country’s proposal was not taken to well by the chair of the meeting , then Spain argued in a particularly loud and noticably strongly vocal manner, “Spain (my country) strongly believes if we contribute most financial support to the Hague’s highest court, that ought to give us and other countries feeding it financially MORE direct power over its decisions.”

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( Instead of censoring the country representative from Spain for even bringing up this unjust, illegal and unfair judicial idea of bribery for international judicial verdicts and judicial appointments, all country representatives present in the meeting that day all treated the Spain proposition as a ”totally legitimate topic” discussed and debated it between each other for some time. I was quite shocked!
    The idea was "let's discuss it." "It's a great topic to discuss."

    Some countries agreed with Spain’s propositions while others did not. The point here is, bribery for judicial verdicts and judicial appointments was treated as a totally legitimate topic instead of an illegitimate toic which it is in the meeting that I attended in 2001 that day to establish the ground work for a newly emergent international criminal court.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    In particular., since "Spain" was so overtly unafraid in bringing up this topic of trading financial funding the ICC for influence over its future judicial appointments and verdicts in front of every other UN member state present that day at the UN, "Spain" must have already known by previous experience the topic of bribery was "socially acceptable" for conversation that day. They must have previously spoke about bribing the ICTY and
    ICC before in meetings; this is my take an international sociological honor student. SPAIN's diplomatic gesture of international justice insofar as, Serbia, in all of this is, disgusting morally!

    I represented the state interests' of the Former Yugoslavia, in Darko Trifunovic’s absence in those meetings and I am proud to undertake this effort on Serbia’s behalf.

  2. What It’s Like to Chill Out With Whom the World Considers the Most Ruthless Men in the World Ratko Mladic, Radovan Karadzic and Goran Hadzic (+) Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator

    Retrospectively, it was all so simple, natural and matter of fact being on a boat restaurant in Belgrade, sitting with, laughing, drinking a two hundred bottle of wine and chatting about war and peace while Ratko Mladic held my hand. Mladic, a man considered the world’s most ruthless war criminal since Adolf Hitler, still at large and currently having a five million dollar bounty on his head for genocide by the international community. Yet there I was with my two best friends at the time, a former Serbian diplomat, his wife, and Ratko Mladic just chilling. There was no security, nothing you’d ordinarily expect in such circumstances. Referring to himself merely as, Sharko; this is the story of it all came about.

  3. Robert Latham at New School Allowed Ethnic Albanian To Condone Genocide Against Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo Posted 3/2/2009 2:37 PM EST
    Monday, April 20, 2009
    Robert Latham at New School Allowed Ethnic Albanian To Condone Genocide Against Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo Posted 3/2/2009 2:37 PM EST

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    I couldn’t get the link right so read the scoop here -> Robert Latham at New School

    Dear Friends: I have told this factual autobiographical account prior. However, this was during the height of NATO’s illegal war launched against Jugoslavija so I am unsure if this e-mail ever reached the entire audience for which it was intended. Hence, I am re-sending a brief account of whereby one United States University in New York City assisted Bill Clinton and Tony Blair in plotting, orchestrating, launching and perpetuating Albanian-KLA Nationalism and ethnic genocide directed against the Orthodox Christian Serbs in Kosovo. (See Attachment for formal proof).

    I. It was in the Fall of 1997, my first semester in graduate school at the New School for Social Research when I noticed the bulletin on the wall that announced the Albanian Pro-KLA Nationalist Fatos Ljubonja was going to give a lecture on Albanian Nationalism at the New School for Social Research in NYC (5th and 14th Streets in Wolffe Conference Room 2nd floor). This lecture was undoubtedly funded by the USIP and the WPI (the World Policy Institute resides on the fourth floor of the schools location).

    II. Evidently, this particular lecture sparked my interest like none other owing to my serious commitment in following the various political & international trends regarding the Kosovo / Serbia & Bosnia wars and what would occur next. Therefore I made it my business to sit in on this lecture.

    III. At that time, primarily the students attending this lecture and (it was a full house) were from parts of the world (like Asia) who knew nothing about Serbia and Kosovo. So they were very interested to hear what Fatmos Ljubonia had to say about the plight of the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. There were only two graduate students who really knew what was going on in Kosovo at that time between the Albanians and the Serbs. (me and this Albanian student). I sat in for about 1 and 1/2 hours taking notes and listening. Then I left. Here is a short and brief description of the lecture.

    IV. Primarily Fatos at first attempted to elicit as much sympathy as humanly possible from the New School graduate students. He began the lecture by explaining that the Serbian government had imprisoned him for 20 years. and treated him in an inhumane manner. He did not explain why to us.

    V. He quickly then shifted (to be blunt)–he spent the rest of his lecture lying to the (students) about the current situation in Kosovo. He supplied lies as answers to the students questions about Serbia, Albania and Kosovo and Fatos completely bad-mouthed the Serbian government blaming it, for myriad human right violations not only committed against him (as he claimed) but also against him all ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

    VI. He completely this question and answer session quite pleased with himself since most of my classmates later indicated to me that they were shocked to hear about the conditions under which Fatmos claimed the ethnic Albanians were living under in Kosovo. I knew the man was a filthy liar but I could not say anything at the time. So he lied lied and he lied more!

    VI. As I said I left early but I will never forget his phrase stating: “I, Fatos Ljubonia, have come to the New School for Social Research to ask you, The New School students, to give me, Fatos Ljubonja, new creative nationalist ideas to PROMOTE AND TO CONSTRUCT A GREATER ALBANIA!”

  4. VII. Now there were a hell of a lot of New School faculty members also present who knew the truth about what really was going on between Serbia, the Western liberal think tanks at the New School for Social Research and their king, Bill Clinton regarding Kosovo. However, evidently these were the same political science professors such as David PLotke who later tossed me out of graduate school only three weeks prior my anticipated MA graduation date on April 22 1999 at knife point (we all know about my Civil Rights Case against the school

    VIII. I, Jill Starr have always stood up for the right political and social group, the Serbs of course. For it was not the Serbian authorities fault that NATO members and their corrupted politicians with a guilty as hell mens rea instigated and escalated the present ethnic contentions and genocide now occurring in Kosovo today!

    XV. For this reason it does not surprise me that the semester before I was tossed out of school by POL SCI DEPT. CHAIR David Plotke, during my classes with the renown Robert Latham (from the SSRC in NYC) no one did anything when my Albanian classmate stated in front of many UN Diplomats that he 100% promoted “ethnic genocide against the Orthodox Christian Serbs in Kosovo!” Of course I reported the incident to both my human rights professor Adamantia Polllis and also the Dept. Chair David Plotke, yet neither of them did a damn thing!
    What they did do is allow my Albanian classmate to continue going to school and graduate while they decided to throw me out of school and ruin my life to the best of their corrupt abilities!

    X. The Albanian classmate of mine even said to me in front of Robert Latham’s entire class (FALL 1998) this to me when I said I’d like to see a copy of his paper which he said is written to promote ethnic genocide against Orthodox Christian Serbs in Kosovo this— />”Jill, you will surely die before you ever see my term paper!” The New School faculty threw me out and kept the genocidal Albanian on April 22 1999! See attachments!

    PS: I’d like to give some lectures describing this experience in America to my friends in Serbia. David PLotke even came towards me with a swiss army knife!

    Miss Jill Louise Starr USA
    PO BOX 635
    Newfoundland NJ 07435 USA
    (973) 850-7833

  5. Daniel Kolak Philosophy Professor at WPUNJ in Wayne NJ Promoted Croatian Genocide (Proof)Daniel Kolak Philosophy Professor at WPUNJ in Wayne NJ Promoted Croatian Genocide Against Serbs (Proof)
    Daniel Kolak Philosophy Professor at WPUNJ in Wayne NJ Promoted Croatian Genocide (Proof)Daniel Kolak Philosophy Professor at WPUNJ in Wayne NJ Promoted Croatian Genocide Against Serbs (Proof)

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    I took my required course in Philosophy by Professor Daniel Kolak. I used to attend his weekly philosophy meetings that lasted until the wee hours of the morning. They were held where the old language lab used to be on the WPUNJ College campus in Wayne NJ.

    Throughout the meeting the students that attended were NEO NAZI Skinheads. They and Professor Kolak and Croatian language magazines and right in front of me spoke openly about promoting genocide against certain populations and especially against Jews and Serbs in the former Yugoslavia (I was very scared).

    I have vague memories of Mr Kolak saying he was from Croatia but I cannot 100% be certain. I thought he told me he was from there because I remember asking because I was shocked at the topic of Dan Kolak promoting anti Jewish behavior with students of his that lived down the street from me in Bloomingdale, NJ at that time that were minors.

    The kids told me they were only 17 years old (Freshman). Dan Kolak works on making movies with Speilberg (the Jewish Movie man) I AM SHOCKED BUT THIS IS ALL TRUE.

    I will take a polygraph test to prove this truth..

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  6. What It’s Like to Chill with the Most Ruthless Men in the World
    Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic: Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator

    Retrospectively, it was all so simple, natural and matter of fact being on a boat restaurant in Belgrade, sitting with, laughing, drinking a two hundred bottle of wine and chatting about war and peace while Ratko Mladic held my hand. Mladic, a man considered the world’s most ruthless war criminal since Adolf Hitler, still at large and currently having a five million dollar bounty on his head for genocide by the international community. Yet there I was with my two best friends at the time, a former Serbian diplomat, his wife, and Ratko Mladic just chilling. There was no security, nothing you’d ordinarily expect in such circumstances. Referring to himself merely as, Sharko; this is the story of it all came about.




    (Secret Scanned Photo Documentary Evidence I Obtained From the CLOSED UN ICC Preparatory Meetings (2001) )


    I remind everyone, when I attended those ICC Preparatory Meetings in 2001, witnessing first hand the country plenipotentiary representatives present with me discussing so openly, trading judicial funding of a new international criminal court, for its direct judicial appointments and judicial verdicts, those same state powers were


    those same countries and people were already simultaneously, funding the already established ICTY which was issuing at that time, arrest warrants for Bosnian Serbs under false primary diplomatic pretenses.

    The ICTY and ICC is just where it should be for once. Cornered and backed into and an international wall, scared like a corned animal (and I bet it reacts in the same way a rabid cornered animal does too in such circumstances). (ICTY associates)

    (Documents: Hague war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has destroyed all material evidence about the monsterous KLA Albanian/KLA organ trade in Kosovo).

    I believe strongly that ICYU assocaites murdered former Serb President, Slobodan Milosevic, tried to murder me, as well and other Serbs prisoners and presently places , Doctor Radovan Karadzic’s life in direct danger as well as Ratko Mladic’s life
    in danger should he be brought there.

    The ICTY has no other choice than to halt all further court proceedings against, Doctor Radovan Karadzic, and others there both serving sentences and awaiting trials. Miss JIll Louise Starr (The UN Security Council has no choice but to act on this now).

    I accuse the Hague ICTY war crimes tribunal of attempted assassination on my life and others, contempt of court and obstruction of international justice and "international witness tampering" in complicity with Richard Holbrook and Bill Clinton (Former US President of the USA) as well as political players in Spain and the Netherlands .

    I represented the state interests' of the Former Yugoslavia, in Darko Trifunovic’s absence in those meetings and I am proud to undertake this effort on Serbia’s behalf.
