Wednesday, January 27, 2010

U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Mary Warlick Arrived in Belgrade 

Belgrade, Jan. 24, 2010 (Serbia Today) United States Ambassador to Serbia Mary Warlick arrived in Belgrade on Friday, January 22, 2010. Upon her arrival she made following statement:

“I am very pleased to arrive in Belgrade today and I am honored to soon begin my responsibilities as the Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Serbia.  Serbia and the United States have a long tradition of friendship and together with my colleagues in Belgrade and Washington I intend to do everything I can to strengthen our bilateral cooperation. 

I look forward to working with the democratic government of Serbia to realize the aspirations of the people of Serbia to achieve greater economic prosperity, complete Serbia’s integration into Europe, and assume a constructive leadership role in the region. 

Yesterday, my husband, James Warlick, arrived in Sofia as the new U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria.  We and our three children are delighted about the opportunity we will have in the coming years to enjoy the hospitality and warmth of the Serbian people and discover the richness of Serbia’s culture.  Finally, I very much look forward to soon meeting new friends and colleagues here and making Belgrade my new home.”

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