Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ban Ki Moon: “Serbia and Kosovo should dedicate themselves to regional cooperation”

New York, Jan. 16, 2010, (Source Beta) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called on Serbia and Kosovo to set status issues aside and dedicating themselves to regional cooperation.

“I am asking for flexibility in the continuation of defining the method of work when talking about Kosovo’s participation in regional and international mechanisms and forums that are necessary for economic and democratic development, and long-term stability in the region,” Ban said in his newest report to the Security Council on the work of UNMIK.
He said that relations between UNMIK and the Kosovo government have improved after several months of very limited contact.
Ban added that the security situation in Kosovo is “relatively peaceful, but potentially fragile.”
The mission continued efforts for finding a lasting solution for protecting the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo, but unsuccessfully, even if the question is “in the interest of all sides and there has been expansive talk regarding the issue over the last months,” Ban said.
Even though he said that he is content with the fact that tensions between Kosovo Albanian and Serbs in Brđani, a northern Kosovo municipality, have calmed down, Ban said that the situation in northern Kosovo is still fragile.
“Inter-ethnic incidents are still occurring in northern (Kosovska) Mitrovica, which is a reason for concern,” the UN Secretary General said.

He said that UNMIK continued supporting minority communities and encouraging reconciliation and easing dialogue and regional cooperation.”

The strategic goal of UNMIK remains “the promotion of security, stability, and respecting of human rights in Kosovo and the region through engagement with all communities in Kosovo, and with Priština and Belgrade, along with regional and international officials,” Ban said.
The report covers the period between September-December 2009
The Security Council will discuss Ban’s report at a meeting scheduled for January 22, according to the UN’s official website.

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